If you are pondering, ‘How do I put a copyright watermark on my photos’, this blog will help you learn more!

In an age dominated by digital screens and ceaseless sharing, the photographs we take are more than just pixels – they’re a part of our story, our vision, and our intellectual property.

Whether you’re a professional photographer safeguarding your portfolio or a hobbyist looking to share your latest captures on social media, there’s always that underlying concern: What if someone uses my image without my permission? One answer lies in watermarking.

Adding a copyright to your photos not only helps in warding off potential misuse, but it also serves as a signature of your work, stamping your identity on each image.

If you’ve ever wondered, “How do I put a copyright  on my photos?”, you’re in the right place.

In this guide, we’ll delve deep into the simple yet effective techniques to ensure your creations remain unmistakably yours. Dive in and let’s explore the world of watermarking!

What is Copyright Watermark?

A copyright is a visible overlay on a photograph, video, document, or other digital media, used primarily to signify ownership and deter unauthorised use or reproduction of the content without proper permission or credit.

Here’s a closer look:

  1. Visual Mark of Ownership: At its core, a copyright serves as a stamp of authority, indicating that the content is protected by copyright laws and belongs to a specific individual or entity.
  2. It’s a way for creators to say, “This is my work.”
  3. Deterrence: By placing a copyright on an image or video, you’re actively discouraging unauthorised use. Even if someone were to use the content without permission, the watermark’s presence would make it evident that the content has been taken without consent, reducing its value for illicit use.
  4. Identification: Beyond protection, watermarks can also serve as a branding tool. Photographers, artists, and companies can use watermarks to promote their name or brand, ensuring that viewers can identify and reach the original creator if they wish to.
  5. Composition: Typically, a copyright consists of text (like the photographer’s name or company’s logo) and often includes the copyright symbol (©). However, the design, opacity, size, and position of the copyright can vary based on personal preferences and the nature of the content it’s applied to.
  6. Non-Intrusive yet Noticeable: The challenge with watermarks is to strike a balance. They should be noticeable enough to serve their protective and promotional purposes, but not so prominent that they detract from the content’s original aesthetics.

How to Add Copyright to the Image?

Whether you’re a budding photographer, a digital artist, or just someone who wishes to protect their personal images, adding a copyright to your photos is a wise step to deter unauthorised use. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you through this process:

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1. Choose a Software or Platform:

  • Photo Editing Software: Programs such as Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Lightroom, and CorelDRAW have built-in capabilities to add text or logos onto images.
  • Online Tools: Websites like Watermark.ws, PicMarkr, or Water Marquee offer free and paid services to add copyrights to your photos.
  • Mobile Apps: Apps such as iWatermark, Add Watermark on Photos, or eZy Watermark Photo are available for both Android and iOS platforms.

2. Decide on Text or Logo:

  • Text: Often, photographers will simply use their name or business’s name followed by the copyright symbol. For example: “© John Doe Photography”.
  • Logo: If you have a brand logo, you can also use it as a copyright. It’s visually appealing and can also serve as brand promotion.

3. Positioning:

  • Place your watermark where it’s visible but doesn’t overpower the main subject of the photo. Common positions are the bottom right or bottom left corners. Some prefer a central, more transparent copyright to ensure it cannot be easily cropped out.

4. Adjust Opacity:

  • A good watermark should strike a balance: it must be visible, but it shouldn’t detract from the image’s essence. Adjusting the opacity to make the copyright semi-transparent can help achieve this balance.

5. Consider Font and Size:

  • If you’re using text, ensure it’s legible and stands out against the background. Bold fonts are often effective. Size it appropriately so it doesn’t overshadow the image’s main content.

6. Save a Copy:

  • Always keep an original, unwatermarked version of your image stored safely. When you add your watermark, save the image as a new file. This ensures you always have the original if needed.

7. Batch Watermarking:

  • If you have multiple images, many tools and software options allow you to copyright them all at once, which can save a lot of time.

8. Stay Updated:

  • As technology evolves, so do the methods to remove watermarks. Periodically review the effectiveness of your watermark, and adjust if necessary.

How do I Put a Copyright Watermark on My Photos?

Adding a copyright copyright to your photos not only helps deter unauthorised use, but it also stands as a testament to your ownership.

If you’ve never created a copyright before, don’t fret; the process is straightforward. Here’s a guide to get you started:

1. Define Your Watermark:

  • Text-Based: This is the most straightforward type, usually involving your name or business name followed by the copyright symbol. For example: “© Jane Smith Photography”.
  • Logo-Based: If you have a brand logo, it can act as a copyright. Ensure it’s simple, clean, and easily identifiable.
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2. Choose Your Tool:

Photo Editing Software:

  • Adobe Photoshop:
    1. Open your image.
    2. Select the “Text” tool and click on the area where you want your copyright.
    3. Enter your desired text or drag and drop your logo.
    4. Adjust size, font, and opacity as needed.
    5. Save the image as a new file.
  • GIMP:
    1. Open your image.
    2. Choose the “Text” tool and click on your photo.
    3. Type your copyright notice.
    4. Adjust font, size, and opacity.
    5. Save as a new image.

Online Tools:

  • Platforms like Watermark.ws, PicMarkr, or Water Marquee allow you to upload photos and add watermarks. Simply follow the site’s instructions, which usually involve uploading your image, adding text or a logo, and downloading the watermarked photo.

Mobile Apps:

  • Apps such as iWatermark, Add copyright on Photos, and eZy Watermark Photo can watermark images directly from your phone.

3. Design Considerations:

  • Font and Size: Opt for a legible font. Bold or semi-bold fonts can be particularly effective. Ensure the size is appropriate, neither too dominating nor too tiny.
  • Opacity: A copyright should be noticeable but not overly distracting. Adjusting opacity to make it semi-transparent often works best.
  • Position: Common positions include the bottom corners (right or left) or centered. Remember, a centrally placed copyright, though more intrusive, is harder to crop out.

4. Save & Apply:

  • Always keep an original, unwatermarked version of your photo.
  • Once satisfied with your watermark’s look, save the watermarked image as a new file.
  • For batch watermarking, many software options and online tools allow you to apply the same watermark to multiple photos simultaneously.

5. Consistency:

  • To maintain brand consistency, use the same watermark style across all your photos. This helps in reinforcing brand identity and making your work easily recognisable.

In conclusion, while technology has made the creation and application of watermarks easier than ever, it’s crucial to continually evaluate their effectiveness.

As you evolve as a creator, your copyright can evolve too, reflecting your journey and ensuring your work remains protected in the digital age.


In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, where content is shared with a mere click, it’s never been more crucial to protect our creative endeavors.

Adding a copyright copyright to our photos isn’t just about staking claim; it’s a declaration of our passion, effort, and the story behind each capture.

As we’ve explored, the process is both accessible and versatile, catering to professionals and hobbyists alike.

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While a copyright is not an impenetrable shield, it serves as a deterrent, reminding viewers of the creator behind the art.

As we continue to share our visual tales with the world, let’s do so with the confidence that we’ve taken measures to protect and honor our craft.

After all, every photograph is a piece of our story, and it deserves recognition and respect.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I add a copyright watermark to my photos?

Adding a copyright watermark helps deter unauthorised use or distribution of your photos.
It serves as a visual claim of ownership, ensuring viewers recognise the original creator.
Beyond protection, it also acts as a branding tool, promoting the photographer’s name or logo.

Q: Can watermarks be easily removed from photos?

While basic watermarks can be removed using photo editing software, removing more intricate and centrally-placed watermarks can be challenging without degrading the image quality.
It’s always a good idea to strike a balance between visibility and aesthetics when designing your watermark.

Q: Which software is best for adding watermarks to photos?

There are several software options suitable for watermarking, depending on your needs.
Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom are popular choices among professionals. GIMP is a free alternative that also offers robust watermarking features.
For batch watermarking, software like Visual Watermark can be beneficial.

Q: How can I add a watermark to multiple photos at once?

Many software applications and online tools offer batch watermarking features.
In software like Adobe Lightroom, you can easily apply a watermark to multiple photos during the export process.
Online tools like Watermark.ws also allow batch processing.

Q: Is a text-based watermark better than a logo-based watermark?

Both have their merits. A text-based watermark, typically showcasing the photographer’s name and the copyright symbol, is straightforward and clear about ownership.

A logo-based watermark can serve dual purposes: protection and branding.
A recognisable logo can be a subtle marketing tool, but it’s essential to ensure it doesn’t distract from the photo’s content.

The choice between the two depends on the photographer’s preference and the intended use of the image.