Are you a copyright owner? Do you know how to give copyright strike on Youtube?

In the vast digital realm of YouTube, content creation thrives, but so do instances of infringements.

For original content creators, protecting their intellectual property is paramount.

Fortunately, YouTube provides mechanisms for creators to address unauthorised use of their content.

One of these tools is the “copyright strike,” a formal process that allows rights holders to notify YouTube of infringements and request removal of violating content.

Navigating this system requires a clear understanding of  laws, policies, and the responsibilities of both the claimant and the alleged infringer.

This introduction sets the stage for a deeper dive into how to issue a strike on YouTube, safeguarding creators’ rights in the digital age.

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Copyright Infringement Policies on Youtube

Copyright Infringement Policies on YouTube

YouTube, as one of the world’s leading platforms for video sharing and consumption, takes copyright infringement seriously.

The platform has implemented several policies and tools to help protect the rights of content creators and ensure users adhere to intellectual property laws.

Here’s an overview of infringement policies:

  1. YouTube’s Content ID System:
    • YouTube has developed a sophisticated tool called Content ID that allows owners to easily identify and manage their content on the platform.
    • When a video is uploaded, Content ID scans it against a database of files submitted by content owners.
    • If a match is found, the owner has several options: block the video, allow it to remain live while tracking its statistics, or monetize it by placing ads.
  2. Copyright Strikes:
    • If a copyright owner finds that their content has been used without permission, they can file a Copyright Takedown Notice.
    • If the claim is valid, the video will be removed from YouTube, and the uploader will receive a strike.
    • Accruing three strikes will result in the termination of the channel and all its associated videos.
  3. Counter-Notifications:
    • If an uploader believes their content was wrongfully taken down due to a mistake or misidentification, they can file a counter-notification.
    • If the original claimant doesn’t take legal action within 10 business days, the content may be restored, and the strike removed.
  4. Retracting a Claim:
    • Copyright owners can retract their infringement claim if they find it was made in error or if they resolve the issue with the uploader.
  5. Copyright School:
    • To educate users on copyright policies, this platform introduced “Copyright School.”
    • If a user receives a strike, they must watch an educational video and answer questions to ensure they understand the platform’s  policies.
  6. Fair Use:
    • YouTube acknowledges the concept of “fair use,” which allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holder.
    • However, fair use is a complex and often misunderstood doctrine, varying by jurisdiction.
  7. Transparency with Users:
    • YouTube provides a Copyright Center where users can access resources, guidelines, and tools related to  issues.
    • It helps users understand their rights and responsibilities concerning copyrighted material.
  8. Repeat Infringer Policy:
    • As per its terms of service, this platform may terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are believed to be repeatedly infringing on the rights of copyright holders.

How to Prevent Copyright Strike on Youtube? 

Avoiding copyright strikes on this platform is crucial for maintaining the reputation and standing of your channel. Here are some steps and guidelines to follow to prevent receiving a strike:

  1. Understand Copyright Law:
    • Familiarise yourself with the basics of law and its implications for online content.
    • This includes knowing what constitutes fair use, public domain, and licensed content.
  2. Use Original Content:
    • The simplest way to avoid issues is to produce and upload only content that you’ve created entirely yourself, including visuals, music, and other elements.
  3. Utilise YouTube’s Audio Library:
    • The platform offers a library of music and sound effects that creators can freely use in their videos without worrying about claims.
  4. Acquire Proper Licensing:
    • If you want to use someone else’s content, ensure you have the appropriate licenses or permissions.
    • This could involve purchasing a license, reaching out to the content creator directly, or using platforms that provide royalty-free music or visuals.
  5. Beware of Fair Use Misconceptions:
    • Fair use is a doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material without obtaining permission. However, it’s subjective and can vary by jurisdiction.
    • Just because you credit the owner or claim “no infringement intended” doesn’t mean it’s fair use.
    • If you believe your content falls under fair use, consider seeking legal counsel.
  6. Review Content ID Matches:
    • YouTube’s Content ID system will automatically match your uploaded content against copyrighted material.
    • If there’s a match, you’ll be notified. Address these matches promptly to avoid strikes.
  7. Stay Updated with YouTube’s Policies:
    • YouTube’s terms of service and policies can evolve. Regularly review any updates to stay informed.
  8. Attend YouTube’s Copyright School:
    • If you’ve received a notice, YouTube may require you to attend their “Copyright School.” It’s an educational tool to help you understand nuances better.
  9. Avoid “Free” Content Without Verification:
    • Just because content is available freely online doesn’t mean it’s free from copyright. Always verify the licensing terms before using such content.
  10. Use Creative Commons:
  • Some creators license their work under Creative Commons, which allows others to use it under specific conditions.
  • YouTube has a filter for Creative Commons content, but always verify the terms of the license.
  1. Regularly Audit Your Channel:
  • Periodically review your videos to ensure all content adheres to policies. If you suspect an issue, address it proactively.
  1. Engage with the Community:
  • Join forums, YouTube creator communities, or workshops where you can learn from others’ experiences and stay informed about best practices.

In conclusion, the key to preventing strikes on YouTube is a combination of education, diligence, and proactive management of your content.

When in doubt, always err on the side of caution, and consider seeking legal advice.

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How to Give Copyright Strike on Youtube?

If you believe your copyrighted work has been infringed upon on YouTube, you can take action to have the content removed and issue a strike to the offending channel.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do so:

  1. Verify the Infringement:
    • Before proceeding, ensure that the video in question genuinely infringes on your copyrighted content.
    • It’s essential to understand the difference between valid use and  infringement.
    • Misrepresenting this can lead to legal consequences and disputes.
  2. Go to the Infringing Video:
    • Navigate to the page where the video is hosted on YouTube.
  3. Click ‘Report’:
    • Below the video player, click on the three-dot menu (ellipsis) and select “Report.”
  4. Select ‘Infringes My Rights’:
    • Choose “Infringes my rights” from the options provided and then select “Infringes my copyright.”
  5. Submit a Copyright Takedown Notice:
    • You will be directed to a page that provides more information about copyright infringement.
    • Read through it and then click on the link to submit a copyright complaint.
    • You’ll be directed to YouTube’s copyright complaint form.
  6. Fill Out the Form:
    • Provide all required details, including your contact information, relationship to the rights holder, and details about the copyrighted work.
    • Specify the URLs of the infringing content and describe the nature of the infringement.
    • It’s crucial to be accurate and truthful in your claim. Misrepresenting information can lead to severe consequences, including the suspension of your YouTube account.
  7. Agree and Submit:
    • You’ll be required to acknowledge legal statements and agree to them by checking the provided boxes.
    • You’ll also need to provide an electronic signature at the bottom of the form.
    • Once all fields are filled out and you’ve agreed to the statements, click “Submit.”
  8. Wait for YouTube’s Response:
    • After submitting the claim, YouTube will review it. If the platform finds it to be valid, they will remove the infringing content, and the uploader will receive a copyright strike.
    • If the uploader disputes the strike, you’ll be notified. At this point, you may need to take further legal action or consult with an attorney.
  9. Maintain Records:
    • Keep a record of all communications, submissions, and other relevant data. This can be useful for future reference or in case of any disputes.
  10. Engage in Communication:
  • Sometimes, the uploader might not be aware of the infringement and is willing to correct the mistake.
  • If they reach out to you, consider engaging in a dialogue before taking legal action.


Protecting one’s intellectual property in the digital age is paramount, and platforms like YouTube have instituted mechanisms to ensure creators can defend their rights against unauthorised use.

The process of issuing a copyright strike, while streamlined, carries significant implications for both the claimant and the alleged infringer.

As with all matters related to copyright, it’s essential to approach the process with a clear understanding of the rules, an unwavering commitment to accuracy, and a sense of fairness.

Misuse or misrepresentation can lead to disputes, damaged reputations, and potential legal ramifications.

As creators and rights holders, it’s our collective responsibility to foster an online ecosystem that respects intellectual property, promotes creativity, and ensures a balanced, just environment for all users.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Content ID claim and a copyright strike on YouTube?

A Content ID claim is an automated system where YouTube identifies copyrighted material within videos and allows the copyright owner to take various actions, like monetizing the video or tracking its viewership.

A copyright strike, on the other hand, is a manual action taken by the copyright owner when they believe their content has been used without permission.

Three copyright strikes can lead to the termination of a YouTube channel.

Can I retract a copyright strike if I realise I made an error?

Yes, if you’ve mistakenly issued a copyright strike or have resolved the issue with the uploader, you can retract your claim through YouTube’s system.

This will remove the strike from the channel in question.

How does the “three-strike” system work on YouTube?

If a YouTube channel accumulates three copyright strikes, YouTube will terminate that channel, removing all uploaded videos and barring the user from creating new channels in the future.

However, copyright strikes can expire after 90 days, provided the channel owner completes YouTube’s Copyright School and doesn’t receive any additional strikes in that period.

What if someone falsely issues a copyright strike against my video?

If you believe you’ve received a copyright strike in error or that your video constitutes fair use, you can file a counter-notification through YouTube’s system.

If the claimant doesn’t respond within ten business days, the strike may be lifted and the video restored.

Is it possible to communicate with the person who issued the copyright strike before taking formal action?

YouTube doesn’t provide direct contact information for the claimant due to privacy concerns.

However, when you receive a copyright strike, there’s an option to contact the claimant through a form provided by YouTube.

This can be a way to resolve the issue amicably without resorting to formal counter-notifications or legal proceedings.

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