When it comes to copyright on YouTube, things can get pretty messy. It’s like a wild west situation where some not-so-nice folks are in charge.

They often use the rules to their advantage, and the people who are supposed to enforce the rules don’t really do a good job.

Here’s the problem: There are a bunch of troublemakers out there who falsely claim that they own videos, even when they don’t.

They do this with just enough believable information to fool YouTube into taking their side.

They’re hoping that the creators of the videos won’t fight back.

Sadly, many content creators don’t bother fighting these claims because it’s like having a full-time job, it’s super stressful, and the money they make from YouTube keeps getting smaller and smaller.

This article will walk you through the process of How to Remove Copyright Strike on YouTube?

What is a Copyright Strike?

When you receive a copyright strike, it means that someone who owns the rights to certain content in your video clip has formally requested to take it down.

This request is legally valid and complete, so we’re obligated to remove your video to follow copyright laws.

It’s important to note that a single video can only have one copyright strike at any given time.

However, remember that videos can be removed from the platform for reasons other than copyright violations.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that Content ID claims do not lead to an actual copyright strike.

What occurs when you receive a strike on YouTube?

When you get a copyright strike, it means the copyright owner has submitted a complete and legitimate legal request to remove their copyrighted material from your video.

To adhere to copyright laws, we remove your video upon receiving such a formal notice.

Remember, a single video can only have one real copyright strike at a time.

How to Remove Copyright Strike on YouTube?

So, you’ve received a copyright strike on your YouTube video, and you’re not sure what to do. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this situation:

Step 1: Don’t Delete Your Video

First and foremost, resist the urge to delete your video. Deleting it won’t resolve the issue, and it might make you appear guilty.

Moreover, in the event of a successful dispute over the claim, the video will not be reinstated automatically, provided that it has already been removed.

You have the option to re-upload it, however, if it is flagged again, you will need to repeat the same process.

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Step 2: Verify It’s a Copyright Strike

Before proceeding, confirm that you indeed have a copyright strike and not a Content ID claim.

You’ll usually receive an email notifying you of the strike.

You can also check in your creator studio.

For this, go to the Video Manager and select the Copyright Notices section. Then, click on the Copyright Strike button beside the flagged video.

To find the copyright section in the new YouTube Studio (in beta), click on “more options.” This will redirect you to the classic studio.

Step 3: Assess Your Use of Copyrighted Content

Now, it’s essential to determine whether you’ve actually violated copyright.

Some cases are clear-cut, like posting an entire TV show episode or a song from an album you don’t own. However, things get trickier with fair use.

For instance, using a short snippet of a song to discuss music theory or incorporating part of a TV episode to analyse its plot can fall under fair use.

Fair use can be a complex legal gray area, and YouTube has a page on it. If you’re uncertain or want to dispute it, consulting a copyright lawyer might be a good idea.

Step 4: Accept the Strike or Attend Copyright School

If you have indeed violated copyright and are at fault, your only recourse may be to acknowledge the copyright strike.

YouTube will require you to complete Copyright School. This process includes watching a video about copyright law and successfully passing a test.

However, keep in mind that your copyright strike will remain for 90 days, along with the associated penalties for an account in poor standing.

This alternative is also appropriate if you believe you are within fair use and do not want to dispute the strike.

Note that if you receive a second strike, the 90-day timeline resets.

Step 5: Contact the Copyright Owner

If you believe your content qualifies as fair use or that the copyright owner is abusing the system, you can try reaching out to them directly.

You should have received contact information for the company that filed the copyright claims.

Please provide an explanation stating that either no copyrighted material is utilised, or the use of their content is within the fair use policy, referencing YouTube’s guidelines as necessary.

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If you’re lucky, they may retract their claim, and your strike will be lifted, video reinstated, and your account returned to good standing.

Step 6: File a Counter Notification (The Nuclear Option)

If you choose not to contact the copyright owner or they don’t retract their claim, you can proceed to the third option: filing a counter-notification.

This is a formal legal request to YouTube and the original copyright holder, asserting that there is either no copyright violation or that your use of copyrighted content qualifies as fair use.

Filing a counter notification is a significant step, requiring you to provide personal contact information and a well-constructed argument for your case, including citations.

Once submitted, YouTube will process your counter notification. If everything is in order, they’ll pass it on to the copyright owner.

Step 7: Legal Dispute At this point, you’ve initiated a legal dispute.

The copyright holder has a period of ten business days to provide YouTube with evidence indicating their intention to pursue further legal action, specifically through a court case, in order to maintain the removal of your content.

Outcome: Resolution or Legal Battle

Depending on the copyright holder’s response, one of two things will happen.

If additional evidence is not submitted, the video in question will be restored and the copyright claim will be withdrawn.

However, if they choose to continue the fight, it becomes a genuine legal battle, a lawsuit alleging copyright infringement. This is the point where you should consult a lawyer.


Understanding how to address a copyright strike on YouTube is essential for any channel owner.

When dealing with a valid copyright violation and a legal takedown request, navigating the intricacies of copyright rules becomes crucial.

While the process may seem daunting, YouTube remains an excellent platform for creators to share content, from music videos to various creative endeavors.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can work towards resolving copyright strikes and safeguarding your entire channel’s content.


How do I edit a video to avoid copyright claim?

Editing a video to avoid copyright claim is an important step for any YouTube creator. It involves understanding the rules of copyright and making sure that all content used in the video is original or licensed from a legitimate source.

Here are some tips on how to edit a video to prevent copyright claims:

1. Use only original content
2. Get permission for third-party content
3. Please ensure that your use of copyrighted content complies with fair use guidelines, including using a limited portion of the original material and providing proper attribution to the original source.
4. Edit out copyrighted material: If all else fails, you can edit out any copyrighted material in your video. This includes editing out sections of music or dialogue, blurring out images, and using digital effects to remove visual references.

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Do copyright strikes go away?

Copyright strikes on YouTube typically stay on your account for 90 days. After this period, they are removed, but you need to maintain a clean record during that time to prevent additional strikes.

Keep in mind that Content ID claims, which are different from copyright strikes, don’t impact your channel’s standing and usually don’t expire.

Does a copyright claim affect views?

A copyright claim does not directly affect the number of views a video receives.

However, it can impact your video’s monetisation and potentially result in the video being taken down or blocked in certain regions, which could indirectly affect your views.

What happens after 1 copyright strike on YouTube?

After receiving one copyright strike, you’ll be required to complete Copyright School, which is essentially a tutorial on copyright law.

The strike remains on your account for a 90-day period, along with the associated penalties. If you accumulate multiple strikes, your channel may face more severe consequences, including termination.

How to use copyrighted music on YouTube without getting a copyright strike?

To use copyrighted music on YouTube without risking a strike, you have a few options:

a. Obtain proper licenses or permissions from the copyright owner.
b. Use music from YouTube’s Audio Library, which provides music that’s free to use in your videos.
c. If you are using copyrighted content, make sure that your use qualifies as “fair use” under copyright law. This implies that you use for educational or transformative purposes.
d. Consider using music with a Creative Commons license that allows for certain uses, but be sure to follow the license terms closely.