Key Takeaways:

  • Grammarly offers plagiarism detection alongside its grammar and writing suggestions.
  • It scans your text against billions of webpages and ProQuest’s academic databases for matching content.
  • It provides an instant report, flagging potential plagiarism and offering suggestions for citations. (Premium offers more details.)
  • It might miss non-web sources, struggle with context, and require manual review for flagged sections.
  • It’s a valuable tool, but always verify flagged sections and cite sources properly to ensure originality.

In today’s digital age, where content creation is at its peak, the question “Does Grammarly check for plagiarism?” becomes increasingly relevant.

Grammarly offers extensive plagiarism detection capabilities, making it an invaluable tool for writers and content creators alike.

It meticulously scans content accessible online to identify common plagiarism issues, distinguishing between actual plagiarism and similarities that may not constitute a copyright infringement.

By evaluating the level of plagiarism detected, Grammarly not only helps users understand the consequences of plagiarism but also contributes to improved content quality through helpful suggestions.

Does Grammarly Check for Plagiarism?

Yes, Grammarly provides both plagiarism checking and writing support, making it different from other plagiarism detection tools that only focus on identifying text matches.

It can check students’ texts against billions of web pages and academic databases, but it may be limited to matching texts from certain academic databases.

Grammarly is a promising tool for facilitating students’ learning and assessment of source-based writing.

Useful Resource: How to Use Grammarly Plagiarism Checker?

How Does Grammarly Detect Plagiarism?

how does grammarly detect plagiarism

Grammarly’s plagiarism detection is a powerful tool that helps writers maintain originality and avoid unintentional plagiarism. Here’s how it works:

Comparison to Web Pages and Academic Papers:

  • When you use Grammarly’s plagiarism checker, it compares your text to billions of web pages and academic papers stored in ProQuest’s databases.
  • If part of your text matches something written online or in a database, Grammarly will alert you about potential plagiarism.

Instant Report:

  • After running the plagiarism check, you’ll receive an instant report that indicates whether plagiarism was found.
  • The report also highlights grammar and writing issues present in your document.

Premium Features:

Grammarly’s Premium version offers additional features:

  • Specific Sentence Flags: It identifies specific sentences that require citations.
  • Reference Information: Provides details about the online source where matching text was detected.
  • Overall Originality Score: Calculates an originality score for your document.
  • Advanced Writing Feedback: Offers corrections and suggestions across various dimensions.
Must Read  Is Citing a Source Incorrectly Plagiarism?

Privacy Assurance:

  • Rest assured, your writing remains private. Grammarly’s plagiarism checker does not make your content searchable publicly or in any other database.
  • Other plagiarism checkers won’t see your text.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or writer, Grammarly’s plagiarism checker is a valuable tool to ensure fresh, original, and plagiarism-free work.

Remember, even unintentional plagiarism can have serious consequences, so it’s essential to use reliable tools like Grammarly to maintain academic integrity and create high-quality content.


Limitations of plagiarism check on grammarly

While Grammarly’s plagiarism checker is a valuable tool, it does have some limitations. Here are a few:

Limited Database Coverage:

  • Grammarly compares your text against a vast database of web pages and academic papers. However, it may not cover all possible lists of sources.
  • Some specialised or less common content might not be included in the database.

Contextual Understanding:

  • Grammarly’s algorithm primarily focuses on matching strings of text. It doesn’t always consider the context in which those words appear.
  • As a result, it may flag phrases that are common or well-known.

False Positives and Negatives:

  • Like any automated tool, Grammarly can produce false positives (flagging as plagiarism when it’s not) or false negatives (missing actual instances of plagiarism).
  • Writers should always manually review flagged sections to ensure accuracy.

Paraphrasing and Rewriting:

  • While Grammarly detects direct matches, it may not catch paraphrased content.
  • Writers should still be cautious about rephrasing existing material too closely.


  • Grammarly may not always identify self-plagiarism (reusing your own work without proper citation).
  • Writers should manually check for this.

Remember that while Grammarly is a helpful aid, it’s essential to use your judgment and follow academic integrity guidelines.

Always verify flagged sections and cite sources appropriately to maintain originality and honesty in your writing.


The Grammarly Plagiarism Checker is an advanced online tool that offers a comprehensive solution for checking a document for plagiarism.

By clicking the plagiarism button, users can scan their text against a vast array of internet sources, receiving a detailed plagiarism report that highlights content matches and potential types of plagiarism, including accidental plagiarism.

This feature, part of Grammarly’s premium plan, not only aids in adhering to copyright laws but also enhances writing by identifying spelling errors and other issues.

Its advanced features ensure that users can produce original content confidently, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to maintain the integrity of their work.

Must Read  A Guide to Ghostwriting & Ghost Citation Plagiarism

For those seeking an alternative option, Bytescare Plagiarism Checker offers another robust solution for plagiarism detection. 

Should you have any inquiries or require further assistance in maintaining the originality of your work, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is dedicated to supporting your writing endeavors and ensuring your content remains unique and compliant with all copyright standards.


Does Grammarly offer a plagiarism checking feature?

Yes, Grammarly offers a plagiarism checking feature that compares your text against billions of web pages and academic papers from ProQuest’s databases. This feature is designed to help users identify potential instances of infringement in their writing.

Is Grammarly’s plagiarism checker available for free?

Grammarly offers a basic plagiarism check for free. It scans for large chunks of copied text. However, in-depth reports highlighting potential sources and requiring citations are reserved for their premium subscription.

How accurate is Grammarly’s plagiarism detection?

Grammarly’s plagiarism checker is reliable, but not perfect. It excels at finding copied web content but might miss paraphrased sources or offline material.

It’s a good tool to catch accidental plagiarism, but for academic needs, consider a checker with a wider database.

Can Grammarly check for plagiarism in languages other than English?

No, Grammarly cannot check for plagiarism in languages other than English. It’s currently focused on the English language for both grammar and plagiarism detection.

How does Grammarly’s plagiarism checker work?

Grammarly’s infringement checker works by scanning your submitted text and comparing it to texts available in its extensive database of web pages and academic papers.

If it finds significant similarities or exact matches, it flags these sections as potential infringement, providing you with a report that includes the percentage of similarity and links to the sources.

This allows users to review and make necessary changes to ensure their work is original and properly cited.

Is Grammarly plagiarism checker 100% accurate?

No, Grammarly’s plagiarism checker isn’t perfect. While it catches large chunks of copied text well, it can miss paraphrasing or sources not on the web.

It’s a helpful tool, but for guaranteed accuracy, consider using a plagiarism checker with a more extensive database, especially for critical work.