Key Takeaways:

  • Scribbr excels at identifying plagiarism, including paraphrasing attempts, thanks to its advanced algorithms and extensive database.
  • Get a clear picture of potential plagiarism with highlighted text, source comparisons, and a downloadable report.
  • Unlike some checkers, Scribbr doesn’t store or sell your uploaded documents and offers easy removal options.
  • Caters well to students and academics with features like self-plagiarism checking and compatibility with scholarly sources.
  • While effective, Scribbr’s pricing is higher than some competitors, but may be justified for its quality and features.

In the realms of academia and professional writing, upholding the integrity of one’s work is crucial.

Plagiarism, or the unauthorised use of someone else’s work, poses a significant threat to credibility and career prospects.

Plagiarism checkers serve as essential tools for verifying content originality. Scribbr’s plagiarism checker, renowned for its advanced plagiarism detection software, offers a robust solution by scrutinising a wide range of source types.

It is designed for academic writers, educators, and anyone affiliated with an educational institution, enhancing writing skills by highlighting the degree of similarity to existing works.

The online report provided by Scribbr not only catches plagiarism but also aids in transforming the piece into an authentic document, minimising claims of plagiarism.

This article explores the efficacy of Scribbr’s plagiarism checker, assessing its features, advantages, disadvantages, and overall capability to catch plagiarism, thereby answering the question: is Scribbr plagiarism checker good or not?

Scribbr Plagiarism Checker:What is

Scribbr’s plagiarism checker is a sophisticated tool designed to help users identify instances of plagiarism in their documents.

It compares texts against a vast database of sources, including academic papers, books, and web pages, to find similarities that could indicate plagiarism.

This tool is powered by advanced algorithms and technology to ensure accurate detection and analysis.

This tool provides a complimentary, limited version of its plagiarism checker through a collaboration with Turnitin. This version employs Turnitin’s industry-leading plagiarism detection technology and accesses the majority of content databases.

Who is Scribbr For?

Scribbr caters to a wide audience, including students and academics. Its services are tailored to support individuals in producing original and high-quality written work, whether it be academic papers, theses, articles, or reports.

Scribbr’s tools and resources are particularly beneficial for those looking to uphold academic integrity and avoid the pitfalls of unintentional plagiarism.

How Does It Work?

To use Scribbr’s plagiarism checker, users simply upload their document to the platform. The tool then scans the text, comparing it to its extensive database of sources.

It analyses the document for any similarities or exact matches and generates a comprehensive plagiarism report detailing the findings.

This report includes a plagiarism percentage, highlighted passages, and a list of sources where the potential plagiarism was detected.

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Is Scribbr Plagiarism Checker Good?


Quality: Scribbr demonstrated strong performance across all student-relevant source types, including journal articles and dissertations.

Crucially, Scribbr’s checker excelled at identifying plagiarism in source texts that were significantly altered to resemble unintentional paraphrasing.

Moreover, Scribbr was proficient in identifying complete matches, accurately linking the entire plagiarised segment to a single source, as opposed to attributing it to several incorrect sources.

Does Not Store or Sell Documents: Scribbr ensures that uploaded documents are neither stored, sold to third parties, nor shared with academic institutions. Automatically, data is purged after 30 days, but students have the option to manually remove their document immediately following the check.

Offers a Happiness Guarantee and Live Support:Scribbr offers a satisfaction guarantee, offering students a replacement check or refund in case of dissatisfaction for any reason.

Offers a Self-Plagiarism Checker to Check for Self-Plagiarism: Additionally, users have the option to integrate the Plagiarism Checker with a unique Scribbr Self-Plagiarism Checker. This feature enables users to upload their own unpublished works for comparison alongside the public database.

Offers a Limited Free Version: Users can test the service with a limited free version before committing to a purchase.


  • Quality Comes at a Price: While Scribbr offers a top-notch service, it is priced higher than some competitors, which might be a consideration for budget-conscious users.
  • Cannot Work Directly in the Tool: Users must upload documents for scanning, as there is no direct text input or integration with word processors for real-time checking.

What is the Accuracy of Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker?

Scribbr’s plagiarism checker is among the most accurate on the market, thanks to its comprehensive database and sophisticated detection algorithms.

The software is capable of identifying everything from precise word-for-word matches to the substitution of synonyms.

Additionally, it encompasses a comprehensive array of source types, ranging from both open-access and subscription-based journal articles to theses, dissertations, websites, PDF documents, and news articles.

Note: Scribbr does not possess access to Turnitin’s extensive global database with student papers.

Review of the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker

Document Preview

The plagiarism report meticulously highlights each sentence in your document that could potentially be plagiarised, assigning each a unique color and number linked to a specific source.

This methodical approach renders the report both clear and navigable, allowing for quick identification and review of flagged content.

Notably, the system is adept at minimising ‘false positives’ by not flagging common phrases and words, which reduces unnecessary alerts and focuses your attention on significant similarities that may require further investigation.

Percentage of Plagiarism

Displayed prominently at the top right of the report, the similarity percentage indicates the extent of your document’s similarity to existing sources. It’s crucial to understand that this figure doesn’t exclusively represent plagiarised content.

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This percentage encompasses similarities that are properly cited or quoted, reflecting the tool’s inability to assess the correctness of citations. The onus remains on you to discern whether a similarity is appropriately referenced or constitutes plagiarism.

List of Sources

The Scribbr Plagiarism Checker excels with its detailed list of matched sources, offering direct snippets from the original texts for comparison. This feature significantly aids in verifying whether your text matches or closely resembles the source material.

Unlike other checkers that redirect you to a generic Google search result, Scribbr provides immediate clarity on the source material, although it doesn’t allow for direct citation within the report.

Plagiarism Detection Software: Review

Our analysis confirms that the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker surpasses competitors in identifying plagiarism, thanks to its sophisticated detection software and extensive content database.

Plagiarism Detection Software

Employing a detection algorithm akin to those used by universities, Scribbr’s software adeptly identifies both directly quoted and paraphrased content.

Merely tweaking a few words in a sentence is insufficient to bypass detection, highlighting the checker’s effectiveness against paraphrasing attempts.

Sources With Which Your Document Is Compared

With access to over 70 billion web sources and more than 69 million academic publications, Scribbr’s database dwarfs those of other plagiarism checkers, which primarily scan internet sources.

This expansive database makes Scribbr particularly valuable for students and academics who frequently reference scholarly articles.

Review of Safety and Privacy

Scribbr distinguishes itself by not incorporating uploaded documents into its database, alleviating concerns about future plagiarism matches of your own work.

The option to delete your document from Scribbr’s servers with a simple click further underscores their commitment to document security and privacy.


Scribbr recognises the vital role of plagiarism detection in academic work, which likely influences their decision to adopt a simple pricing strategy without providing trial, complimentary versions of their software, or a monthly subscription plan.

The service offers three tiered pricing options depending on the document length: $19.95 for documents up to 7,500 words, $29.95 for those up to 50,000 words, and $39.95 for documents exceeding that length.

Prospective users should stay alert for promotional offers that could provide an opportunity to save.

Purchasing the plagiarism tool alongside Scribbr’s proofreading and editing services entitles you to a 15% discount.

Although prices exceed those of many competitors, the professional-grade report and assurance that your document will be thoroughly vetted justify the investment, especially compared to lower-cost options that may miss critical detections.


Scribbr’s plagiarism checker distinguishes itself as one of the most accurate plagiarism checkers available, thanks to its advanced database software and proprietary technology.

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It excels in identifying plagiarism issues in academic writing, including accidental plagiarism, by providing a complete list of matching sources and a downloadable report for a thorough plagiarism risk assessment.

Despite its higher cost, the value it offers in ensuring the creation of original, high-quality work justifies the investment for students, academics, and professionals.

For those seeking an alternate option, Bytescare Plagiarism Detector offers a swift and effective solution. For more information on enhancing your academic integrity or exploring plagiarism detection solutions, feel free to contact us.


Are plagiarism checkers 100% accurate?

No plagiarism checker can guarantee 100% accuracy due to the vast and ever-growing amount of content available for comparison. However, many online tools offer high levels of accuracy that are sufficient for most academic and professional needs.

What is the most trusted plagiarism checker?

Determining the “most trusted” plagiarism checker can be subjective as it depends on various factors like accuracy, database size, features, and price.

However, based on independent reviews and comparisons, Scribbr consistently ranks high in terms of accuracy, particularly for academic content.

They utilise Turnitin, a widely used and trusted plagiarism detection tool by many educational institutions, in their checker.

Is Scribbr’s plagiarism checker worth the cost?

While Scribbr’s plagiarism checker may have a higher price point compared to some competitors, many users find that the investment is well worth it.

Scribbr is among the most trusted plagiarism checkers, thanks to its comprehensive database, sophisticated detection algorithms, and commitment to privacy.

Are there any safe plagiarism checkers?

Yes, there are safe plagiarism checkers that prioritise user privacy and data security. Scribbr is a prime example, as it does not store or sell user documents.

Does plagiarism checkers detect paraphrasing?

Advanced plagiarism checkers like Scribbr’s can detect not only direct plagiarism but also instances of paraphrasing that are too close to the original source without proper citation.

Is Scribbr plagiarism checker good for students?

Yes, Scribbr’s plagiarism checker is an excellent resource for students, offering detailed plagiarism reports and tools to help avoid unintentional plagiarism and improve academic integrity.

Is Scribbr a reliable source for research?

While Scribbr itself is not a research source, it provides tools and services, such as the plagiarism checker and citation generators, that support the research process and help ensure the credibility and originality of academic work.