Key Takeaways:

  • Before using a work under a CC license, carefully review and know the terms. Ensure that you’re complying fully.
  • Make sure that the person offering the work under a CC license has the right to do so.
  • If you’re unsure or if the usage is for a high-stakes project, consider consulting with a legal expert specialising in copyright and intellectual property.

Today, the way we create, share, and use content has transformed dramatically.

As content becomes increasingly accessible, knowing the legal frameworks of licensed material that guide its use is essential.

Enter the realms of ‘Creative Commons License‘ and ‘Copyright‘ – two terms frequently thrown around but often misunderstood.

While both serve to protect creators and their creations, they each represent a unique approach to the rights and permissions associated with content.

This blog will delve into the intricacies of both, highlighting their distinctions, identical terms, and the implications for individual creators and users alike.

Keep reading to explore the world of copyright and creative commons and make informed choices in our digital engagements.

Let’s get started with the copyright & fair use overview! 

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Creative Commons License vs Copyright

What is a Creative Commons License (CCL)?

A set of public domain status that allow creators to grant some rights to the public while retaining others. It offers a range of permissions from liberal to restrictive, based on what the creator chooses.

What is Copyright?

A legal right that grants the original author of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution. It automatically applies once the work is created and fixed in a tangible form.


  • CCL: To provide a flexible range of protections and fair dealing for authors and artists, allowing them to share their work while still having control over how it’s used.
  • Copyright: To give creators control over their intellectual property, ensuring they can benefit from it and decide who can use, share, or modify it.


  • CCL: Duration is based on the underlying copyright. For example, if a work is under copyright for 70 years, the Creative Commons applied to that work will also last 70 years.
  • Copyright: Copyright term lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years, though this can vary depending on the jurisdiction and type of work.

Rights Granted

  • CCL: Can vary based on the specific identity chosen. The identities range from allowing almost any type of use as long as attribution is given, to more restrictive licenses that might prohibit commercial use or derivative works.
  • Copyright: Grants exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or identity the work, and others cannot do these without the copyright owner’s permission.

Opt-In vs. Automatic

  • CCL is Opt-in. Creators choose to apply a Creative Commons identity to their work.
  • Copyright is Automatic. It comes into effect as soon as an original work is created and fixed in a tangible medium, with no formal copyright registration required in most countries.

Main Objective

  • CCL: To encourage sharing, collaboration, and the reuse of creative works, while allowing creators to retain certain rights.
  • Copyright: To provide copyright protection for creators against unauthorised use, ensuring they can monetise or control how their work is distributed and used.

When to Use Copyright?

Copyright is the legal protection automatically granted to creators of original works, such as art, music, writing, photographs, and more.

It ensures that you, as the creator, have full control over how your work is used. Others cannot legally reproduce, distribute, display, or modify your creation without your explicit permission.

This protection is particularly important if you intend to monetise your work or prevent others from exploiting it for their own gain.

Copyright also provides you with the exclusive rights to sell, license, or distribute your work.

Additionally, copyright allows you to take legal action if someone infringes upon your rights, making it a vital tool for safeguarding intellectual property and maintaining control over how your creations are shared or commercialised.

When to Use Creative Commons?

Creative Commons (CC) is useful when you want to share your work more freely while still maintaining some rights.

You should use a Creative Commons license if you’re open to letting others use, modify, or distribute your work under specific conditions, such as non-commercial use or with attribution.

CC licenses make it easier for people to use your content while respecting your guidelines.

This is commonly used by creators who wish to contribute to the open-source movement or want their work to gain wider visibility without financial expectations.

In short, use copyright for full control and protection, and use Creative Commons when you want to allow others to share or adapt your work under certain conditions.

Key Differences of Creative Commons and Copyright

creative commons copyright law

Creative Commons (often abbreviated as “CC”) is not, in itself, a separate “copyright law.” Rather, Creative Commons provides a set of standardised identity that creators can apply to their works based on existing applicable copyright laws.

These identities allow creators to communicate which copyright restrictions they reserve and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators.

Let’s delve deeper into the concept and nuances of Creative Commons approach to copyright law.

Framework Based on Copyright Law: Creative Commons identities operate within the existing framework of copyright law. They are tools that allow copyright holders to grant some of their rights to the public permission while retaining others.

Essentially, CC licenses modify the “all rights reserved” premise of traditional copyright case law to a more nuanced “some rights reserved” approach.

Types of Creative Commons Licenses: There are several types of Creative Commons licenses, each with a specific combination of permissions and exceptions to copyright infringement. These identities are:

  • CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike — Like CC BY license, but in CC BY SA license any new works created using the original must also be licensed under the same terms.
  • CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial — Allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon the work, but not for commercial purposes. The original creator must be credited.
  • CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike — A combination of CC BY-NC and CC BY-SA.
  • CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives —The most restrictive of the identities, allowing only downloading and sharing as long as the creator is credited, but no changes can be made, and the work can’t be used commercially.

License Elements: Creative Commons identities are represented by icons that depict the choice of license terms:

  • Attribution (BY): Signified by a person-shaped icon, indicating that credit must be given to the creator.
  • ShareAlike (SA): A circular, recycling-like arrow indicates that derivative works must be distributed under the same terms.
  • NoDerivatives (ND): A solid rectangle means no derivative works can be made from the original content.
  • NonCommercial (NC): A dollar sign within a circle with a line through it indicates that commercial use is prohibited.

Global Application: Creative Commons identities have been ported and adapted to the legal frameworks of various countries. This ensures that the licenses are relevant and effective across different jurisdictions.

Opt-In Nature: Unlike copyright, which is automatic upon the creation of an original work, Creative Commons content licenses are opt-in. This means creators must actively choose to license their work under one of the Creative Commons identities.

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Can Creative Commons License Help You Get Out of Copyright Infringement?

can creative commons license help you get out of copyright infringement

Creative Commons (CC) identities offer a way for creators to grant permissions regarding the use of their work.

However, using something under a Creative Commons license does not automatically shield you from potential copyright infringement claims.

Whether a CC identities can help you avoid copyright infringement largely depends on how you’ve adhered to the terms of the identities. Let’s explore the complexities of licensing in detail here:

When Creative Commons Licensing Can Help?

Some advantages to creative commons licenses:

Compliance with License Terms: If you’ve used a work in a manner that strictly adheres to the copyright in context of its CC license, then you’re generally protected from claims of copyright issues for that work.

For instance, if a photo is licensed under “CC BY” (Attribution), and you’ve given appropriate credit to the creator, then you’re using it within the allowed copyright permissions.

Clear Licensing: Clear license symbols ensures that if a creator has properly applied a Creative Commons (CC) license to their work, and you adhere to the copyright laws of that correct license, you are legally protected.

This means respecting conditions such as attribution, non-commercial use, or share-alike requirements, ensuring safe and compliant usage of the content. License citation prevents you from license breach.

When Creative Commons Licensing Cannot Help?

Non-compliance: If you don’t follow the specific terms of the CC license agreement, you can be liable for copyright abuses. For instance, using a “CC BY-NC” (Attribution-NonCommercial) licensed work for a commercial purpose would be a violation.

Unclear Rights: The person applying the CC license to the work must have the rights to do so. If someone wrongly identities a work they don’t have rights to (e.g., they didn’t create it and don’t have the copyright holder’s permission), and you use it, you might still be liable for copyright infringement.

Non-CC Elements: Sometimes, a work under a CC license might incorporate elements that are not under that license suite or any CC license. Using those specific elements might still lead to concerns of copyright infringement.

Different Jurisdictions: While CC identities are designed to be globally applicable, nuances in copyright law from one country to another might affect the validity or interpretation of these original licenses.

Moral Rights: Some jurisdictions recognise “moral rights,” which might not be covered by a CC license. This could include rights of attribution or the right to object to derogatory treatment of a work.

What is Copyright and the Creative Commons Licence?

What’s Next?

In content creation and distribution, knowing the nuances between Creative Commons identities and traditional copyright expectations is paramount.

While both mechanisms aim to protect the rights of creators, they operate on a distinct license model. Copyright, with its “all rights reserved” copyright status, provides an umbrella of protection that allows creators exclusive control over their work.

In contrast, Creative Commons identities, grounded in the foundation of copyright, offer a more flexible “some rights reserved” compatible license model.

This enables creators to tailor the permissions of their work, promoting a culture of sharing, collaboration, and accessibility.

For users and creators alike, being aware of these differences between copyright and creative commons ensures respectful and lawful engagement with content, fostering an environment where creativity can thrive while being protected.

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What is the primary difference between Creative Commons identities and traditional copyright?

Traditional copyright reserves all rights to the creator, meaning without explicit permission, others cannot reproduce, distribute, or modify the work.

Creative Commons identities, on the other hand, allow creators to specify which rights they reserve and which they waive.

This provides a more flexible approach, enabling varying degrees of sharing and reuse based on the particular Creative Commons license chosen.

Can a work be under both Creative Commons and copyright?

Yes, in fact, all Creative Commons identities work within the framework of existing copyright laws.

When a creator applies a Creative Commons license to their work, they are essentially choosing to grant some of their copyright rights to the public while retaining others.

The work remains copyrighted, but certain permissions are granted upfront through the CC license.

How do I know if I’m using a Creative Commons licensed work correctly?

To use a CC-licensed work correctly, you must adhere to the terms specified in the license.

This might include giving appropriate attribution, not using the work for commercial purposes, or not creating derivative works based on it.

The exact requirements vary by license type, so always refer to the specific Creative Commons license applied to the work for guidance.

Does a Creative Commons license expire?

A Creative Commons license lasts for the duration of the underlying copyright. Once the copyright of a work expires (which typically occurs many decades after the creator’s death, depending on the jurisdiction), the work enters the public domain, and the CC license would no longer apply.

If a work is licensed under Creative Commons, does that mean I can use it however I want?

Not necessarily. While Creative Commons licenses do grant certain permissions, they also come with conditions.

The permissions you have depend on the specific type of CC license attached to the work.

Always ensure you’re complying with the license’s requirements, whether it’s providing appropriate attribution, not using the work for commercial purposes, or other stipulated conditions.

Can a creator change or revoke a Creative Commons license once it’s applied to a work?

No, once a Creative Commons license is applied, it is irrevocable for anyone who has already accessed and used the work under that license.

This means that even if a creator decides to stop offering the work under a Creative Commons license, those who have already received it under that license can continue using it within the original terms.

However, the creator can choose to offer future versions of the work under a different license or remove it from public access.

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