Key Takeaways:

  • From downloading music to sharing memes, the digital world makes it easy to unknowingly violate copyright laws.
  • Copyright protects creators’ original work. It grants them exclusive rights to control how their work is used, including reproduction, distribution, and derivative creations.
  • Common online infringements include: Downloading copyrighted material, streaming without permission, using unlicensed images/videos, plagiarism, and creating derivative works without authorization.
  • Copyright infringement has legal consequences. This can involve fines, imprisonment, and paying monetary damages to the copyright holder.
  • Protecting yourself and respecting copyright involves: Understanding fair use, obtaining permission/licenses, properly citing sources, and being aware of the ease of infringement online.

In today’s digital age, the internet has become a treasure trove of information, entertainment, and creative expression.

However, this rapid expansion of the online world has also given rise to a murky territory where the lines of copyright owners often get blurred.

As you delve into the fascinating realm of intellectual property rights, you’ll discover that the internet is teeming with examples of copyright infringement.

From the notorious case of illicit file-sharing platforms to the seemingly innocent act of reposting a meme, the online landscape is riddled with violations that often go unnoticed.

Join us as we embark on an eye-opening journey to explore the various examples of copyright infringement on the internet and learn how to navigate this complex world with caution and respect for the creative works of others.

This article will provide an overview of copyright, copyright infringement, and common examples of online infringement, along with legal consequences and how to protect yourself.

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What is Copyright?

Copyright is a legal protection granted to creators of original works, including literature, music, films, and photographs.

This protection provides creators with exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, display, and create derivative works from their creations.

Importantly, copyright protection extends only to works that are fixed in a tangible medium of expression.

A “tangible medium” refers to any physical form in which a work can be embodied, such as a book, painting, audio recording, or digital file.

Ideas, concepts, or discoveries themselves are not protected by copyright; only the specific expression of those ideas in a tangible medium is eligible for copyright protection.

What is Copyright Infringement?

Copyright violation occurs when someone uses a copyrighted work without permission, violating the exclusive rights of the copyright holder.

Infringement can take many forms, including unauthorised copying, distribution, display, or creation of derivative works.

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Common Examples of Copyright Infringement Online

examples of copyright breach

Internet copyright infringement refers to the unauthorised use, reproduction, distribution, or display of copyrighted materials on the Internet without the permission of the copyright holder.

This violation of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights can occur in various forms, including but not limited to:

Illegal Downloading and File Sharing

One of the most common examples of online copyright infringement is illegal downloading and file sharing.

This includes using peer-to-peer networks, torrent sites, or direct download links to obtain copyrighted materials without permission. Examples include downloading music albums, movies, TV shows, or software.

Streaming Content without Permission

Streaming copyrighted content without permission, such as movies or TV shows, is another form of infringement.

Websites that host unauthorised streams, as well as individuals who upload or share these streams, are engaging in copyright infringement.

Unlicensed Use of Images and Videos

Using copyrighted images or videos without permission is another common example of online infringement.

This can occur when people post images or videos on their websites, social media, or blogs without obtaining proper licenses or permissions.

Plagiarism and Content Theft

Plagiarism, or copying someone else’s work and presenting it as your own, is another form of copyright infringement.

This includes copying entire articles or blog posts and reposting them on your website or social media channels without permission or attribution.

Creating Derivative Works without Permission

Creating derivative works, such as remixes, adaptations, or translations, without the copyright holder’s permission is also a form of infringement.

This includes fan-made videos, remixes of songs, or fan fiction that incorporates copyrighted characters or storylines.


Navigating the Legal Landscape of Deep Linking: A Tale of Two Ticket Master Cases

The Fact of the Case:

In Ticket Master Corporation vs. Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft created hyperlinks that directed users to specific pages within Ticket Master’s website.

This action bypassed Ticket Master’s policies, service information, and advertisements, leading Ticket Master to file a lawsuit against Microsoft.

The two parties eventually reached an out-of-court settlement, with Microsoft selling the entertainment portion of its site to Ticket Master.

In a separate case, Ticket Master Corp. vs. Inc., both companies were major competitors in the ticket-selling industry, operating their own websites. created a hyperlink on its website, directing users to interior pages on Ticket Master’s site when it couldn’t sell specific tickets.

The hyperlink included a notice stating that users would be taken to another company’s site to complete their purchase.

Court Decision

In Ticket Master Corporation vs. Microsoft Corporation, the two parties reached an out-of-court settlement without a court decision, resulting in Microsoft selling the entertainment portion of its site to Ticket Master.

However, in Ticket Master Corp. vs. Inc., the court ruled that deep linking, by itself, was not prohibited.

The court found no intent on’s part to confuse or mislead the public and determined that this action did not constitute infringement.

These two cases highlight the complexities and evolving nature of internet copyright law, with courts reaching different conclusions on whether deep linking constitutes infringement.

Copyright Infringement on a BBS: Playboy Enterprises Inc. v Frena

In Playboy Enterprises Inc. v Frena, the defendant created a Bulletin Board Service (BBS) which contained copyrighted materials belonging to Playboy Enterprises.

The plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the defendant for copyright infringement.

The defendant argued that he was not aware of any infringement on his BBS. However, the US District Court found the defendant guilty of infringement.

Future Dontics, Inc. v. Applied Anagramics Inc.

The plaintiff was given sole ownership of a telephone number and service mark for their business.

Subsequently, the plaintiff created a website to advertise their business.

The defendant, however, reproduced the plaintiff’s website on a separate frame within their own website without permission.

As a result, the court ruled that the defendant had infringed on the plaintiff’s copyright.

The defendant’s actions constituted a violation of the plaintiff’s exclusive rights to their copyrighted material and therefore were found to be unlawful.

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Respecting Copyright Protection on the Internet

In today’s interconnected digital world, it is more important than ever to recognise and respect the copyright protections that apply to a wide range of creative works found online.

copyright protection on internet

By understanding the extent of these protections, we can foster a more ethical online environment and ensure that creators are given the credit and protection they deserve.

The Scope of Copyright Protection on the Internet

Copyright protection extends to numerous elements found online, including web pages and their content, design, links, text, graphics, audio, video, and other original components.

Unauthorised use of any of these materials, such as scanning and posting content from published works without permission, constitutes copyright infringement.

Legal Consequences of Copyright Infringement

Legal Penalties

Copyright infringement can result in legal penalties, including criminal charges, fines, and even imprisonment.

In the United States, for example, criminal penalties for copyright infringement can include fines of up to $250,000 and up to five years in prison for a first-time offender.

Monetary Damages

In addition to criminal penalties, copyright holders can sue infringers in civil court.

In these cases, infringers may be required to pay monetary damages, which can include actual damages (such as lost profits), statutory damages (which can range from $750 to $30,000 per work), and even attorney fees.

Protecting Yourself from Copyright Infringement

Understanding Fair Use

To avoid copyright infringement claims, it’s essential to understand the concept of fair use.

Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission under certain circumstances, such as for educational purposes, criticism, commentary, or parody.

However, fair use is subjective and determined on a case-by-case basis, so it’s important to proceed with caution.

Obtaining Permissions and Licenses

If you want to use someone else’s copyrighted material, it’s crucial to obtain proper permissions and licenses.

This may involve contacting the rightful owner, negotiating terms, and paying any required fees.

For certain types of content, such as stock images or music, there are licensing platforms that streamline this process.

Properly Citing Sources

When using copyrighted material under fair use or with permission, it’s important to properly cite your sources.

This gives credit to the original creator and helps avoid accusations of plagiarism or infringement.

What Makes Copyright Infringement So Easy Online?

Copyright infringement is particularly easy online for several reasons, including:

  • Ease of access: The internet provides instant access to an immense amount of content, making it simple for users to find and download copyrighted materials without permission.
  • Anonymity: Online users often feel a sense of anonymity, which can lead to a lack of accountability and a higher likelihood of engaging in copyright infringement without fear of consequences.
  • Digital reproduction: The digital nature of online content makes it easy to reproduce and share materials without any loss of quality, making the unauthorised distribution of copyrighted works more appealing and widespread.
  • Global reach: The internet connects people across the world, making it possible to share copyrighted materials with users in different countries, sometimes complicating enforcement efforts due to differing copyright laws and jurisdictions.
  • Lack of awareness: Many internet users may not be fully aware of copyright laws and the implications of infringing on someone’s rights. This lack of knowledge can lead to unintentional infringement, contributing to the ease with which copyright violations occur online.
  • Peer-to-peer sharing: The availability of peer-to-peer file sharing platforms and file-sharing networks allows users to easily exchange copyrighted materials without the knowledge or consent of the copyright holder, facilitating infringement.
  • Difficulty in enforcement: Due to the vastness of the internet and the sheer volume of content being shared, it can be challenging for copyright holders to monitor and enforce their rights. Infringement can often go unnoticed or be difficult to trace back to the responsible parties.

These factors contribute to the ease with which copyright infringement occurs online, making it a significant challenge for copyright holders to protect their intellectual property in the age of digital technology.

Copyright on the Internet

What’s Next?

The digital age has brought forth unprecedented opportunities for creators to share their work on a global scale.

However, it has also given rise to numerous instances of copyright infringement issues on the internet.

The cases discussed in this article highlight the complexities and evolving nature of online copyright law, emphasising the need for a deeper understanding of these issues by both creators and users.

As technology continues to advance, new forms of infringement will likely emerge, challenging enforcement efforts and requiring adaptation from all parties involved.

It is crucial for creators to proactively protect their work, utilising strategies such as clear copyright notices, watermarking, monitoring, and enforcement.

Also, creators can employ Bytescare Digital Protection services to protect their copyright from violation.

Likewise, users should be aware of the legal implications of unauthorised use of copyrighted materials and seek permission from the owner when necessary.

By promoting awareness, respect for intellectual property rights, and ethical online behavior, we can contribute to a more responsible digital environment.

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FAQs on Internet copyright infringement Examples

What is the difference between copyright infringement and plagiarism?

Copyright infringement involves the unauthorised use of copyrighted material, while plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s work as your own.

Both can result in legal and financial consequences.

Is it copyright infringement to share a link to copyrighted material?

Sharing a link to copyrighted material itself is not generally considered an infringement.

However, if the linked material is hosted illegally, you could potentially face legal consequences for promoting or facilitating infringement.

Can I use a copyrighted image if I give credit to the original creator?

Merely giving credit is not enough to avoid copyright issues. You still need to obtain permission or a proper license from the copyright holder to use their image legally.

What should I do if I receive a copyright infringement notice?

If you receive a notice, it’s essential to take it seriously. Consult with a copyright attorney, remove the infringing content, and respond to the notice appropriately. Ignoring the notice may lead to legal action and financial penalties.

How can I find out if a piece of content is copyrighted?

Most creative works are automatically protected by copyright when created. However, you can search for registered copyrights through the U.S. Copyright Office or consult with a legal professional for guidance.

What is the purpose of registering a copyright?

Registering a copyright provides legal evidence that you are the owner of the original work, and that you hold exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display that work.

By registering your copyright, you gain the right to sue others who use your work without your permission and also become eligible for statutory damages in the event of an infringement.

Additionally, registering your copyright can deter others from using your work without your permission, as it publicly establishes your ownership and rights to the work.

In short, registering a copyright can help protect your creative work and ensure that you have legal recourse in case of infringement.

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