Key Takeaways:
- Indian copyright law does not specifically address the issue of hyperlinking, and there is no explicit provision that deems hyperlinking as copyright infringement.
- Hyperlink copyright infringement occurs when someone links to or embeds copyrighted content without the permission of the copyright owner.
- To avoid hyperlinking infringement, it’s important to be mindful of the content we deep link to.
Hyperlinking, the practice of connecting web pages through clickable links, is an intrinsic aspect of the internet and an essential tool for navigating online content.
However, in the realm of copyright law, the question arises: is hyperlinking copyright infringement?
In this article, we will look into the complex area of hyperlinking and its potential copyright implications.
We aim to shed light on this multifaceted topic, exploring different legal perspectives and arguments surrounding the legality of hyperlinking.
By examining relevant case law, legal principles, and the evolving digital field, we strive to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between hyperlinking and copyright infringement.
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Hyperlinking and Indian Copyright Law: Understanding Infringement
Indian Copyright law is governed by the Copyright Act of 1957, which provides legal protection to original literary, artistic, musical, and dramatic works, as well as cinematographic films, sound recordings, and computer programs.
The law grants certain exclusive rights to the copyright owner, such as the right to reproduce the work, communicate it to the public, make adaptations or translations, and distribute copies.
In the context of hyperlinks, copyright infringement occurs when someone links to or embeds copyrighted content without the permission of the copyright owner or in a manner that goes beyond the scope of fair use or other applicable exceptions.
Indian copyright law does not specifically address the issue of hyperlinking, and there is no explicit provision that deems hyperlinking as copyright infringement.
However, the concept of communication to the public, which is an exclusive right of the copyright owner, may come into play.
If a hyperlink or embedded content is considered a form of communication to the public, it could potentially infringe upon the copyright owner’s rights.
It’s important to note that the legal treatment of hyperlinking and copyright infringement may vary depending on the specific circumstances, such as the nature of the content, the purpose of the hyperlink, and whether it involves commercial or non-commercial use.
The interpretation and application of copyright law in relation to hyperlinks can be subject to legal debates and may require case-specific analysis.
To ensure compliance with copyright law, it is generally advisable to seek permission from the copyright owner or to hyperlink to authorised sources or content that is freely available and does not infringe upon any copyright rights.
Deep Linking and Copyright Infringement

Deep linking is like a shortcut on the internet. Instead of sending someone to the main page of a website, it takes them directly to a specific page they need.
It saves time and helps users find what they’re looking for quickly.
However, deep linking can lead to copyright issues. When we deep link, we’re essentially connecting our website to someone else’s content. If that content is protected by copyright, we need to be careful.
Think of it this way: imagine you have a favorite book, and you want to share a chapter with your friend.
Instead of giving them the entire book, you just give them the page you want them to read. That’s deep linking.
But if that book is copyrighted, you might be infringing on the author’s rights by sharing that specific chapter without permission.
The same applies to websites and online content. When we deep link to copyrighted material, we’re essentially sharing it without proper authorisation.
Even if we’re not making copies ourselves, we could still be held responsible for contributing to copyright infringement.
To make matters more complicated, some websites rely on advertisements for revenue.
Deep linking can bypass these ads, affecting the website’s income and sustainability. So, some websites have rules against deep linking to protect their revenue stream.
To avoid hyperlinking infringement, it’s important to be mindful of the content we deep link to.
If it’s copyrighted material, we should seek permission from the copyright owner or make sure we’re linking to authorised or freely available content.
The internet is a vast and interconnected space, and it’s crucial to respect the rights of others.
By being aware of the potential copyright issues with deep linking and taking the necessary precautions, we can navigate the online world more responsibly and avoid infringing on the rights of content providers.
Contributory Copyright Infringement
In the context of linking, it means that if you knowingly link to copyrighted material that infringes on someone else’s copyright, you can be held indirectly liable for contributory copyright infringement.
By knowingly linking to copyright-infringing content, you may be seen as encouraging or inducing others to access and view that illegal content, which contributes to the violation of copyright.
However, it’s important to note that the element of knowledge is vital for contributory copyright infringement.
If you link to another site without being aware that it violates copyright, you may not be liable for contributory copyright infringement.
However, if you become aware that a link on your site potentially infringes copyright, it’s advisable to promptly remove the link.
By taking immediate action to remove the infringing link, you can try to minimise any potential liability for contributory copyright infringement.
It’s always important to respect copyright laws and be cautious when linking to content created by others to avoid any unintended hyperlinking infringements.
Bypassing Copyright Controls
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a law that protects the rights of digital creators. It specifically addresses the use of technological measures to safeguard copyrighted works, like using encryption or watermarks.
Deep linking involves linking to a website or program that provides access to copyrighted material that is safeguarded by technological measures.
If you do this, you could be held responsible under the DMCA.
However, if you link to a site without knowing that it provides access to protected content, you’re usually not considered liable.
But here’s the important part: if you do receive a notification from the rights holder about the infringement, it’s crucial to remove the link promptly to avoid any legal consequences under the DMCA.
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Inline linking and Copyright Violation

Inline linking, also known as embedding, is a technique that allows you to display content from an external website on your own website using HTML code.
It involves creating a link that acts as a window to retrieve and display specific content, such as photographic images or videos, from the source website directly on your webpage.
For example, imagine you have a website where you want to show pictures of cute animals. Instead of downloading and uploading each animal picture to your site, you can use inline linking.
You create a special code that acts as a window to fetch the animal pictures from other websites and display them on your page. So when someone visits your website, they can see the cute animal pictures directly without leaving your site.
A popular example is Google Image Search. When you search for something like “sunflower,” Google gathers small pictures (thumbnails) from various websites and shows them in the search results.
When you click on a thumbnail, it takes you to the original website where the full-size picture is hosted.
Inline linking is a way to bring content from other sites to your site in a way that looks seamless. It helps you share information or media from different sources without having to store everything on your own website.
In the past, US courts have made decisions in cases such as Kelly v Arriva Soft Corp. and Perfect 10, Inc. v., Inc., where they ruled that inlined links to thumbnails did not infringe on copyright based on the principles of fair use.
These decisions relied on the “server test,” which stated that inline linking does not create a copy of the original content as defined by copyright law.
This is because the secondary website only displays the content and does not host it on its own servers.
However, it’s important to note that subsequent cases have challenged and rejected the server test, leading to uncertainty in the legal position regarding inline linking and copyright.
This means that inline links may potentially violate copyright laws, and the outcome may vary depending on the specific circumstances and jurisdiction.
In light of this ambiguity, it is advisable to exercise caution when using inline linking, especially with copyright-protected content such as thumbnails.
It’s recommended to seek the opinion of advocate or follow the guidance provided by copyright laws and regulations in your specific jurisdiction to ensure compliance and minimise the risk of copyright infringement.
Framing and Copyright Violation
Framing is a technique used to divide a web page into sections and display content from external sites within those sections.
It can be useful for organising content on a website, but using framing to display content from other sites can be problematic.
Framing itself is not illegal, but it can raise concerns about stealing or copyright infringement.
When you frame content from another site, it may appear as if the content is part of your own site, even though it is actually hosted on the original site.
This can lead to legal issues, especially if the source of the content is not clearly displayed or if the framing implies a connection or approval that doesn’t exist.
For instance, in a legal case called Futuredontics Inc. v. Applied Anagramic Inc., the court found that framing in that particular instance amounts to copyright infringement.
The legal position on framing and copyright is not entirely clear-cut. However, it can be a risky practice, especially if the framed content is modified without permission or if the framing creates a misleading impression of affiliation or approval.
It’s important to be cautious when using framing and to consider seeking legal advice to ensure compliance with copyright laws and avoid any potential legal issues.
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Case:GS Media BV and Sanoma Media Netherland BV

In this case, the dispute revolved around the application of hyperlinking on the GeenStijl website to direct viewers to leaked photographs of Britt Dekker, which were due for publication in Playboy magazine.
Sanoma Media claimed that the hyperlinks infringed copyright.
The Advocate General’s opinion stated that under EU law, authors have the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit the communication of their works to the public.
The concept of “communication to the public” requires two criteria: acts of communication and the communication of the work to the public.
Regarding the act of communication, the Advocate General believed that hyperlinks to freely accessible protected works on third-party websites do not make those works available to the public.
Instead, they simply make it easier to find the works. The crucial factor is whether the hyperlinked’s intervention is vital or indispensable to accessing the works.
The European Court of Justice’s ruling in Svensson held that providing hyperlinks does constitute an act of communication, but infringement occurs only when the hyperlink makes the work available to a “new public.”
However, the Advocate General in the GS Media case disagreed with applying a test of indispensability, considering it a part of assessing whether the work is made available to a new public.
In the GS Media case, the Advocate General concluded that if the photographs were readily available on and the hyperlinks merely aided in finding them, GS Media’s involvement was not essential, and thus, there was no act of communication.
The permission from the copyright owner for the works to be placed on other websites was considered insignificant.
Hyperlinking to Infringing Works
When knowingly linking to works that clearly infringe someone’s copyright, such as pirated music files or unauthorised video clips, the situation changes.
In such cases, you may be held liable for what is referred to as “contributory copyright infringement.”
This occurs when you intentionally induce or encourage direct infringement of a copyrighted work.
It is important to note that if you are unaware that a work infringes the exclusive rights, you cannot be held responsible for contributory infringement when linking to that work.
However, it is not sufficient to claim ignorance when the circumstances clearly indicate that the material you are linking to is infringing. It is advisable to use your common sense in such situations.
To avoid contributory copyright infringement, Fred von Lohman provides the following guidelines, particularly in relation to embedding videos:
- (1) refrain from embedding obviously infringing videos, and
- (2) consider removing embedded videos upon receiving notification from a copyright owner that they are infringing.
Additionally, complying with the notice-and-takedown procedures outlined in the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) may help protect against claims of contributory copyright infringement.
Circumvention Technology and Linking: Legal Implications

Linking to technology that facilitates the circumvention of copyright protection measures, as prohibited by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), raises significant legal concerns.
The DMCA’s Section 1201 explicitly makes it illegal to engage in the trafficking of devices or tools that enable others to bypass technological measures implemented by copyright holders to control access to their copyrighted works.
This encompasses activities like creating, selling, giving away, or offering such tools to the public. Even simply posting these tools on your website or linking to websites hosting them can be considered trafficking.
A notable case illustrating the legal implications is the “DeCSS” software program, which allowed users to bypass DVD encryption technology.
Websites hosting and linking to the DeCSS code were found to have violated the DMCA’s anti-trafficking provisions by the Second Circuit.
However, it’s important to note that this decision remains controversial, and other courts may not necessarily adopt the same interpretation.
Considering the legal uncertainty, the safest approach is to avoid knowingly linking to websites hosting circumvention software.
Removing user-generated content that includes links to such postings is recommended in order to minimise legal risks, even though this approach may present difficulties for websites that depend on user participation.
Essential Best Practices for Avoiding Copyright Infringement When Linking to External Sites
Cite Your Sources: Always give proper credit and attribution to the original source when linking to external content. By acknowledging the rightful owner, you demonstrate respect for their intellectual property and reduce the risk of copyright infringement.
Establish Linking Agreements: Consider creating formal agreements with website owners or content providers before linking to their materials.
These agreements can clarify the terms and conditions of the linking relationship, ensuring that both parties are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Display Linking Disclaimers: Include clear disclaimers on your website stating that the provided links are for informational purposes only and do not signify ownership of the hyperlinked content.
These disclaimers help inform visitors that the content belongs to others and reinforce your commitment to copyright compliance.
Review Website Terms and Conditions: Before linking to a website, carefully review its terms and conditions agreement.
Pay attention to any specific guidelines or restrictions on linking that they may have in place. This will enable you to make informed decisions and ensure compliance with their policies.
Promptly Address Infringement Notices: If you receive a notice from a rights holder claiming that your linking activity infringes their rights, take immediate action.
Remove the links in question or address the concerns raised in the notice in a timely manner. By responding promptly, you demonstrate your commitment to resolving any potential copyright issues.
By adhering to these best practices, you can navigate the complexities of linking to external content while minimising the breach of copyright law.
It is crucial to approach linking activities with professionalism and a strong understanding of copyright laws to protect your own interests and uphold the rights of content creators.
Issues of Hyperlinking
Jurisdictional Challenges
Hyperlinking poses a significant challenge in terms of jurisdiction.
Determining the applicable laws becomes complex when hyperlinking occurs across different jurisdictions.
Conflicting conflict-of-laws rules have been proposed, such as basing jurisdiction on the location of the copyright holder, trademark holder, or unfairly treated competitor.
Alternatively, jurisdiction could be determined by the location of the linker or the place where the effects of infringement occur.
Resolving jurisdictional issues in hyperlinking cases is crucial to ensure clarity and consistency in legal enforcement.
Improving Access to Unauthorised Sources
One of the concerns related to hyperlinking is the potential facilitation of access to illegal sources.
Hyperlinks can inadvertently direct users to copyrighted content or infringing material.
This raises ethical and legal questions about the responsibility of hyperlink providers in guiding users to prohibited or unauthorised content.
Balancing the promotion of free expression and the prevention of copyright infringement is a key consideration in addressing this issue.
Circumvention of Access Restrictions
Hyperlinking can also enable the circumvention of access restrictions imposed by copyright holders.
By linking to content that would otherwise be restricted, hyperlinking can bypass the intended control measures put in place by copyright owners.
This raises concerns about the infringement of copyright and the unauthorised dissemination of protected works.
Establishing appropriate mechanisms to prevent the circumvention of access restrictions is essential to protect intellectual property rights.
Publishing of Headlines and Content Excerpts
Another challenge of hyperlinking includes the incorporation of headlines, titles, and other components of hyperlinked content.
Unauthorised reproduction or dissemination of such content, particularly in cases of framing and hidden links, can potentially infringe upon copyright laws.
Care must be taken to respect the rights of copyright holders and ensure that hyperlinking practices do not unlawfully exploit or misrepresent their intellectual property.
In essence, addressing these issues in the field of hyperlinking requires a comprehensive understanding of aspects of copyright law, jurisdictional frameworks, and ethical considerations.
Striking a balance between the benefits of hyperlinking in facilitating access to information and the protection of intellectual property rights is important for a fair and sustainable digital environment.
What’s Next?
Hyperlinking can often lead to copyright infringement issues.
However, there are several clear instances where it does not, such as when links are used for information purposes only or when the virtual content is in the public domain.
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Is it copyright infringement to share a link?
No, sharing a link itself is generally not considered copyright infringement.
Linking to another website or content is a common practice and is typically protected under the principles of free speech and information sharing.
However, it is important to be mindful of the content you are linking to and ensure that it does not infringe upon someone else’s copyright.
Could posting a hyperlink amount to an act of copyright infringement?
In most cases, acts of hyperlinking do not amount to infringement of copyright.
Hyperlinking is a reference tool that directs users to other content, and it does not involve making copies or reproducing copyrighted material.
However, if the hyperlinked content itself infringes copyright, linking to it could potentially be seen as contributing to copyright infringement.
Is it legal to link websites without permission?
In general, it is legal to link to websites without seeking explicit permission.
Linking is considered a fundamental aspect of the internet and contributes to the interconnected nature of web pages.
However, it is crucial to respect the terms and conditions of the website you are linking to and avoid linking to infringing or illegal content.
Is sharing links to pirated content illegal?
Yes, sharing links to pirated content is illegal and constitutes infringements through hyperlinking.
Pirated content infringes upon the rights of the copyright holder, and knowingly sharing or promoting such links can lead to legal consequences.
It is important to respect intellectual property rights and refrain from engaging in activities that facilitate copyright infringement.
Can I post links to articles on my website?
Yes, you can generally post links to articles on your website, as long as you are linking to legitimate and authorised content.
Linking to articles allows you to provide references or direct readers to relevant information.
However, it is advisable to cite your sources and ensure that you are not infringing upon the copyright of the articles you are linking to.
Always respect the terms and conditions of the original content and seek permission if required.
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