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Copyright Issues: Navigating Challenges and Solutions

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Manish Jindal

December 20, 2023


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Copyright Issues: Navigating Challenges and Solutions

The digital revolution changed how we share information.

The emphasis on copyright issues has grown alongside the growth of creativity and innovation, underscoring the significance of safeguarding intellectual property rights.

From music and movies to written content and software, ownership and control over creative works have become critical concerns.

The article delves into the complex world of copyright, examining the difficulties experienced by creators, consumers, and policymakers.

We will explore copyright issues and their impact on our digital society.

What is a Copyright Issue?

Copyright issues refer to the legal and ethical challenges surrounding the protection of intellectual property rights.

Copyright is a form of legal protection granted to creators of original works, such as literary, artistic, musical composition, or dramatic creations.

This gives them exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and modify their works.

Copyright issues arise when these rights are infringed upon or when there is a dispute over the ownership, usage, or distribution of creative works.

These issues can involve unauthorised copying or distribution, plagiarism, fair use exceptions, licensing agreements, digital piracy, and the balance between protecting the rights of creators and promoting access to information and cultural exchange.

This can include copying text, images, music, videos, or any other form of creative expression protected by copyright.

For example:

If someone uses a photograph from a professional photographer’s website without obtaining proper permission or a license, it would be a copyright issue.

The photographer holds the exclusive rights to their photograph, and using it without authorisation would be a violation of those rights.

9 Copyright Issues: Common Challenges and Examples


The unlawful use of another person’s ideas, information, or work without due credit or authorisation is known as plagiarism.

It involves presenting someone else’s original material as your own, which is a clear violation of copyright law.

Example: Copying and pasting entire paragraphs from an online article into your own research paper without citing the original source.

Unauthorised Distribution

This copyright issue occurs when copy-protected content, such as books, music, or movies, is distributed or shared without the proper authorisation from the copyright holder.

This includes both physical distribution (e.g., selling counterfeit DVDs) and digital distribution (e.g., sharing copyrighted files online without permission).

Example: Uploading and sharing a copyrighted e-book on a file-sharing website for others to download without the author’s consent.

Counterfeit Goods

Counterfeiting refers to the production and sale of fake or unauthorised copies of copyrighted products, including clothing, accessories, electronics, and software.

These counterfeit goods infringe upon the rights of the original copyright holder.

Example: Manufacturing and selling counterfeit designer handbags that imitate the logos, designs, and trademarks of well-known luxury brands.

Digital Piracy

Unauthorised downloading, copying, or sharing of digitally protected works including music, movies, software, or video games is known as digital piracy.

It often occurs through peer-to-peer file-sharing networks or torrent sites.

Example: Downloading a copyrighted movie from an illegal torrent website and sharing it with others without the permission of the film’s production company.

Unauthorised Adaptation

Creating derivative works based on copyright-protected works without obtaining the necessary permissions is another copyright issue.

This includes making adaptations, translations, or remixes of existing works without proper authorisation.

Example: Creating a fan-made video game based on a popular book series without obtaining a license from the author or publisher.

Unauthorised Public Performance

A violation of copyright law is when someone performs music, plays, or dances in public without first getting the proper licenses or rights from the copyright owners.

Example: Performing a copyrighted song during a public concert without obtaining the necessary performance rights from the songwriter or music publisher.

Fair Use Misinterpretation

The legal concept of fair use permits the restricted use of copyright-protected works for particular purposes, such as commentary, criticism, education, or news reporting.

However, misinterpreting fair dealing and using copyrighted material without meeting the necessary criteria can lead to copyright infringement.

Example: Publishing an entire copyrighted article on a website without permission, claiming fair use as justification, but without providing any transformative or critical analysis.

Online Content Scraping

Content scraping involves the unauthorised copying and republishing of online content, such as articles or blog posts, without permission.

This practice not only infringes on copyright but also devalues the original creator’s work.

Example: Automatically scraping and republishing blog posts from multiple websites on a single website without obtaining consent from the original authors.

Digital Rights Management Circumvention

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology used by copyright owners to protect their digital content from unauthorised copying or distribution.

Circumventing DRM measures or removing digital protection mechanisms without permission is considered copyright infringement.

Example: Using software or tools to bypass DRM on e-books or movies to make unauthorised copies or distribute them without restriction.

These copyright issues highlight the importance of respecting intellectual property rights and adhering to copyright laws to protect the rights of creators and ensure a fair and balanced creative ecosystem.

Some More Common Issues That May Arise

Creative Commons, Freeware, and Shareware

Creative Commons licenses offer a way to share your work while maintaining control and receiving proper credit.

These licenses are globally recognised and align with copyright law.

The Creative Commons website provides a questionnaire to help determine the suitable license for your work, taking into account factors such as commercial use and derivative works.

Crediting the creator is an essential aspect of these licenses.

Freeware and shareware are forms of software that are available for free.

However, shareware often comes with restrictions on functionality or a time limit for free usage.

Modifying or extending these limitations would infringe on copyright.

Even with freeware, there may be restrictions on modifying or reverse-engineering the software.

If you are developing shareware or freeware, it’s advisable to create a pre-download agreement to clarify the terms of use.

Duration of Copyright Protection

One of the significant copyright issues that often causes confusion is the duration of copyright protection.

Many individuals mistakenly assume that copyright protection has a short lifespan, leading them to believe that it is acceptable to copy works created many years ago.

However, this is a misconception that can have legal consequences.

Copyright protection duration varies depending on several factors, including the type of work, the country of origin, and when it was created.

In most jurisdictions, the general rule is that copyright protection lasts for the lifetime of the creator plus a certain number of years after their death.

This period of time is commonly referred to as the “copyright term.”

For example, in India, the protection of copyright normally lasts for the life of the creator plus an additional 60 years after their death.

This means that even if a work was created several decades ago, it may still be protected by copyright law.

Therefore, assuming that a work is in the public domain simply because of its age can lead to copyright infringement.

It is crucial to understand the specific copyright laws in your jurisdiction and to seek proper authorisation or determine the copyright status before using or reproducing a copyrighted work.

Ignoring the duration of protection can result in legal liabilities, including potential lawsuits, penalties, and reputational damage.

International Variations in Copyright Rules

Another significant copyright issue in the digital age revolves around the international variations in copyright rules.

The global nature of the internet and digital platforms has made it challenging to enforce copyright laws consistently across different countries.

This disparity has led to numerous copyright infringement lawsuits, particularly in industries such as music and film, where unauthorised distribution and piracy are prevalent.

Each country has its own set of copyright laws and regulations, which can differ in terms of the duration of protection, exceptions for fair use, licensing requirements, and enforcement mechanisms.

This creates a complex legal landscape where a work may be protected in one jurisdiction but not in another, or where the limitations and exceptions to copyright may vary significantly.

As a result, copyright holders face difficulties in protecting their works on a global scale.

Unauthorised sharing, downloading, and streaming of copyrighted content across borders have become rampant, posing challenges for creators, rights holders, and enforcement agencies.

Copyright infringement cases involving multinational corporations or individuals from different countries can be particularly complex and time-consuming to resolve.

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To address these issues, efforts have been made to establish international agreements and treaties that harmonise copyright laws to some extent.

Examples include the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Copyright Treaty.

These agreements aim to provide a framework for international protection of copyright and cooperation among member countries.

Copyright Challenges in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) presents various legal and copyright-related challenges.

Here are a few key issues in this context:

  1. Ownership and Authorship: As AI systems become more advanced, there is a question of who owns the creative works generated by AI. In some cases, AI algorithms can autonomously generate original content, such as music, artwork, or literature. Determining the legal authorship and ownership of such works raises complex questions about copyright ownership and moral rights.
  2. Copyright Infringement and AI-generated Content: AI systems can be trained to generate content that resembles existing copyrighted works, raising concerns about potential copyright infringement. It becomes crucial to establish guidelines and mechanisms to detect and address instances where AI-generated content infringes upon existing copyrights.
  3. Data Protection and Privacy: AI systems often rely on vast amounts of data to function effectively. The use of copyrighted material as training data for AI models may raise concerns related to data protection, privacy, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
  4. Licensing and Royalties: AI technologies may be employed to automate various aspects of content creation, distribution, and licensing. The implementation of AI in copyright licensing and royalty distribution systems can streamline processes but also introduces complexities and challenges, such as ensuring proper attribution and fair compensation for the use of copyrighted material.
  5. Accountability and Liability: When AI systems are involved in creating or distributing copyrighted content, questions arise about liability for potential copyright infringement. Determining responsibility when AI systems autonomously generate infringing content or facilitate its dissemination can be legally intricate.

These issues highlight some of the legal and copyright challenges arising from the rise of AI.

It is important for lawmakers, legal experts, and stakeholders to address these concerns and develop frameworks that strike a balance between promoting innovation and protecting intellectual property rights in the AI era.

Feasible Solutions to Address Copyright Issues

  1. Strengthening Copyright Enforcement: Implementing robust enforcement mechanisms to deter and combat copyright infringement is crucial. This includes effective monitoring of digital platforms, stricter penalties for copyright infringers, and cooperation between copyright holders, law enforcement agencies, and internet service providers to swiftly address and remove infringing content.
  2. Education and Awareness: Promoting copyright education and awareness among creators, consumers, and the general public can help prevent unintentional copyright violations. Educating individuals about the importance of respecting copyright, understanding fair use guidelines, and obtaining proper licenses and permissions can contribute to a culture of compliance and respect for intellectual property.
  3. Improved Licensing and Access Models: Developing more accessible and user-friendly licensing models, such as creative commons licenses, can provide flexibility for creators and users while ensuring proper attribution and adherence to copyright laws. Exploring innovative licensing approaches, such as subscription-based content platforms or micro-licensing, can facilitate legal access to copyrighted works and reduce the incentive for piracy.
  4. International Cooperation and Harmonisation: Encouraging international cooperation and harmonisation of copyright laws can address the challenges posed by cross-border infringement. Collaborative efforts among countries can lead to standardised legal frameworks, streamlined licensing processes, and improved mechanisms for cross-border enforcement, reducing legal complexities and facilitating the protection of copyrighted works globally.
  5. Technological Solutions: Embracing technological advancements to protect copyrighted works can be beneficial. Technologies like digital rights management (DRM) systems, watermarking, and content identification tools can help track and prevent unauthorised use and distribution of copyrighted content. Additionally, exploring blockchain-based solutions for copyright registration and management can enhance transparency, traceability, and accountability in the digital landscape.
  6. Balanced Copyright Reform: Continuously reviewing and updating copyright laws to strike a balance between protecting the rights of creators and promoting public access to information and creativity is essential. Engaging in constructive copyright reform discussions that consider the interests of various stakeholders can lead to a more equitable and adaptive copyright framework.

These solutions should be pursued collectively by stakeholders, including lawmakers, copyright holders, content creators, technology companies, and consumers, to ensure a comprehensive and effective approach to address copyright issues in the age of digital technologies.

How Does Bytescare Address This Issue?

Bytescare assists businesses in addressing copyright issues by utilising advanced monitoring tools to detect instances of infringement.

Once infringement is identified, Bytescare takes prompt action to request the removal of unauthorised content through legal procedures.

With a team of legal experts, Bytescare provides guidance, collects evidence, and supports businesses in taking necessary legal actions.

They also help develop brand protection strategies, educate stakeholders, and offer ongoing monitoring and reporting services.

By leveraging Bytescare’s expertise, businesses can effectively protect their copyrighted content, maintain brand integrity, and safeguard their revenue streams.


In today’s digital age, the issue of copyright is complex and multifaceted, with a wide range of challenges that vary from country to country and evolve over time.

Copyright plays a crucial role in safeguarding the expression of ideas and granting creators exclusive economic rights over their original works.

One significant aspect of copyright is the term of protection, which grants creators a limited period to enjoy the benefits of their creations.

However, breaches of copyright can occur when unauthorised copying or distribution takes place, compromising the rights of the original creators.

The age of creative materials, including music, adds complexity to copyright concerns.

It is essential to strike a balance between granting access to materials and protecting the underlying content.

Copy-protected content and authentic copying mechanisms can help preserve the integrity of copyrighted works while allowing for lawful usage.

To address the challenges associated with copyright, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the legal and technological aspects involved.

Constant vigilance and adaptability are necessary as copyright issues continue to evolve in this ever-changing landscape.

By respecting copyright and engaging in open dialogue, we can foster an environment that encourages creativity while ensuring the protection of original expression.


What is copyright? 

Copyright is a legal concept that grants exclusive rights to creators of original works, such as literary, artistic, sound recording, musical composition, or dramatic works.

The creator is granted sole privileges to copy, circulate, showcase, execute, and alter their creation.

What is the duration of copyright protection?

The length of time copyright is protected can be influenced by different variables, such as the type of work and the country.

In general, legal protection lasts for the lifetime of the creator plus a certain number of years after their death.

What works are eligible for copyright protection?

Copyright protection extends to a wide range of creative works, including books, songs, paintings, photographs, films, software, architectural designs, and more.

The work must be original and fixed in a tangible form, such as a physical or digital medium.

Do I need to register my work to have copyright protection?

In most countries, copyright protection is automatic upon the creation of the work.

Registration from the copyright office is not required, but it can provide additional benefits, such as evidence of ownership in case of disputes.

What steps should be taken in case of copyright infringement?

If you believe your copyright has been violated, there are several options available, such as sending a cease-and-desist letter, submitting a copyright notice, or pursuing legal action.

Seeking advice from an intellectual property attorney can provide clarification on available options and assist with navigating the process.

Can I copyright my ideas or concepts?

Copyright protects the expression of ideas, not the ideas or concepts themselves.

To receive copyright protection, the idea must be translated into a tangible form, such as a written document, artwork, or recorded media.

Are there any limitations to copyright protection?

Copyright protection is not entirely comprehensive and may have limitations and exceptions.

These may include fair use, public domain works, specific exemptions for educational or non-profit purposes, and certain uses for parody or commentary.

Can the copyright be transferred or licensed?

Yes, copyright can be transferred or licensed through legal agreements.

Creators can assign their copyright to others or grant licenses to allow specific uses of their work while retaining ownership.

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