In the digital age, PowerPoint presentations have become a ubiquitous tool for conveying information, whether in classrooms, boardrooms, or online.

These presentations often contain original content and valuable intellectual property that creators may want to protect.

If you’re wondering how to safeguard your PowerPoint presentation from unauthorised use, plagiarism, or distribution, you’ve come to the right place.

This blog article on “Copyright in PowerPoint presentation” will explore the steps and considerations involved in copyrighting your presentation slides. 

Understanding Copyright in PowerPoint Presentations

In a presentation, the topic of copyright may encompass two key aspects:

  1. Your Copyright: This pertains to your ownership of the presentation’s content.
  2. Use of Copyrighted Materials: This refers to the incorporation of copyrighted materials within your presentation.

When addressing your copyright, it’s important to acknowledge the following:

  • You assert and hold the copyright for the presentation’s content.
  • Clarify whether and under what conditions you grant permission for others to use the copyrighted material.

In many legal jurisdictions, there may not be a strict requirement for a copyright statement, as you automatically obtain copyright ownership upon creating the presentation.

However, asserting your copyright can potentially facilitate pursuing legal action against anyone who infringes upon your rights.

Regardless of jurisdiction, a copyright statement can serve as a deterrent against intentional infringement and minimise the risk of unintentional copyright violations.

Presentation Copyright Disclaimer

Copyright disclaimers serve as a straightforward means to assert ownership of your presentation’s content and underscore that unauthorised use is prohibited unless expressly noted.

If you are utilising materials or concepts that constitute your intellectual property, it is essential to include a copyright disclaimer, also known as a copyright notice, within your presentation.

These disclaimers can be conveniently inserted in the presentation’s footer or placed at the conclusion on a dedicated resources page.

We strongly advise their inclusion whenever you share personal intellectual property or that of your organisation.

Creating a copyright notice is uncomplicated. Simply include:

  • Your name or company name
  • The year or years in which the content was created
  • The copyright symbol
  • An optional “rights reserved” statement

The format remains consistent and applicable regardless of where you incorporate this disclaimer.

Fair Use Disclaimer for Presentations

Fair use disclaimers serve to clarify that you are utilising copyrighted material within your presentation in accordance with the Fair Use Act.

Under this Act, it is permissible to use copyrighted works without obtaining a license or permission when doing so for purposes such as teaching, research, criticism, or commentary.

When incorporating another author’s work or intellectual property into your presentation, it is essential to include this type of disclaimer to safeguard yourself against accusations of plagiarism.

In addition to providing proper citations for any borrowed text or graphics, a fair use disclaimer demonstrates your awareness of and compliance with the law regarding your sourced materials.

While these disclaimers may not be obligatory for live presentations, especially when sources are properly cited, it is advisable to include one if you intend to share your slides on the internet.

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It’s important to note that a fair use disclaimer does not offer protection if the use of copyrighted material exceeds the boundaries of fair use. However, it does provide some degree of coverage in case your presentation becomes accessible via search engines like Google.

Creating a fair use disclaimer need not be intricate.

You can place the disclaimer on a page preceding the title of your presentation or within the bibliography section at the end of your slides.

Creating an Effective Presentation Disclaimer

In presentations, the text needs to be concise and reader-friendly, in contrast to the more comprehensive style of contracts and legal documents.

Since you have limited space and time for on-screen text, it’s essential to convey the disclaimer’s critical points efficiently, without unnecessary verbiage.

Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  1. Eliminate Redundancy: Trim away any repetitive or unnecessary content. Each point should be expressed once, avoiding redundancy.
  2. Single-Point Sentences: Aim to deliver one key idea per sentence. This approach ensures clarity and brevity.
  3. Opt for Active Voice: Choose active voice constructions (“We hold the copyright on this presentation”) over passive voice constructions (“The copyright on this presentation is held by us”). Active voice typically results in more concise and straightforward sentences.
  4. Avoid Legalese: Be vigilant for terms and phrases that may sound overly legal but do not enhance meaning or clarity. Whenever possible, steer clear of complex legal jargon.

By applying these principles, you can craft a presentation disclaimer that effectively communicates essential information while maintaining a concise and reader-friendly format.

Where to Display a Copyright Disclaimer in Your Presentation Slide

Incorporating a copyright disclaimer in your presentation is crucial to protect your intellectual property and clarify usage rights.

To ensure it’s visible and accessible to your audience, consider the following placement options:

  1. Title Slide:
    • Include the copyright disclaimer on the title slide of your presentation. This is the first slide your audience sees, making it a prominent location.
  2. The Footer of Every Slide:
    • Place a concise copyright notice in the footer of each slide. This approach ensures that the disclaimer is consistently visible throughout your presentation.
  3. Dedicated Slide:
    • Create a dedicated slide near the beginning or end of your presentation specifically for the copyright disclaimer. This slide can contain more detailed copyright information if needed.
  4. Resource or Reference Slide:
    • If your presentation includes a slide for additional resources or references, consider adding the copyright disclaimer there. This is especially relevant if you’re citing external sources.

Remember that the placement of your copyright disclaimer should prioritise visibility and accessibility for your audience. It should be easily noticed, and its purpose should be clear.

Additionally, it’s advisable to use clear and concise language in your disclaimer to ensure that your audience understands the rights and restrictions related to your PowerPoint presentation’s content.

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Examples of Copyright Disclaimer in Presentation

A copyright disclaimer is a statement included in a presentation to protect the presenter and their work from any potential legal disputes.

It provides notice that the material presented is protected under copyright law and cannot be used without permission from the copyright holder.

A copyright disclaimer also alerts viewers that modifying, distributing, or selling any portion of the presentation or its content without permission may result in legal action.

Examples of copyright disclaimer statements include:

Example 1: Brief Copyright Disclaimer

Copyright © [Your Name or Organisation’s Name] [Year]

All rights reserved. This presentation and its content are protected by copyright laws. Unauthorised use or reproduction of any part of this presentation without prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

Example 2: Extended Copyright Disclaimer with Permissions

Copyright © [Your Name or Organisation’s Name] [Year]

All rights reserved. This presentation and its content are protected by copyright laws. You may:
– View and download this presentation for personal use.
– Share this presentation with others for educational purposes, provided proper attribution is given to [Your Name or Organisation’s Name].
– Seek permission for any other use not covered here.

Unauthorised use or reproduction of any part of this presentation without prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

Example 3: Fair Use Copyright Disclaimer

Copyright Disclaimer: Fair Use Act

This presentation may contain copyrighted material that has been used under the Fair Use Act for purposes such as teaching, research, criticism, or commentary. We believe this constitutes fair use of copyrighted material as provided by law. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this presentation for purposes beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Please ensure to customise these disclaimers by replacing “[Your Name or Organisation’s Name]” with your relevant entity or personal information, and “[Year]” with the applicable year of creation or update.

Additionally, modify the content as needed to align with your specific presentation and copyright requirements.

How to Use Copyrighted Material in Educational PowerPoint Presentations

When incorporating copyrighted material into a PowerPoint presentation for educational purposes, it’s crucial to adhere to copyright guidelines. To ensure compliance, follow these steps:

  1. Limit the Amount Copied:
    • Consider the type of copyright material you plan to include in the PowerPoint.
    • For images from print sources (e.g., textbooks) that cannot be purchased separately at a reasonable price within a reasonable timeframe, limit usage accordingly.
    • For electronic sources (e.g., websites), there is no need to check for separate availability.
  2. Manage Text Extracts:
    • When using text extracts from books, sheet music, or other written works, restrict the amount to no more than 10% of the overall work.
  3. Provide Full Attribution:
    • Include a full citation for all materials used in your presentation. Proper attribution is essential to acknowledge the original creators and sources.
  4. Display a Copyright Warning Notice:
    • To inform viewers about the presence of copyrighted material, include a copyright warning notice in your PowerPoint.
    • Place this notice either before opening the PowerPoint or on its first page.

By following these guidelines, you can responsibly incorporate copyrighted material into your educational PowerPoint presentations while respecting copyright laws and ensuring that proper credit is given to content creators.


Understanding the basics of copyright is paramount when preparing a public presentation.

Whether for virtual presentations or in-person seminars, respecting the copyright status of materials, images, and original ideas is not only a fundamental principle of copyright law but also an ethical practice.

Safeguarding your presentation files, especially when used for advertising purposes, can prevent potential copyright disputes.

By adhering to Indian copyright law and considering alternative image sources or creating original images, you can enhance the impact of your presentation while staying within the limits of copyright protection.

For more insights on copyright-protected materials online, be sure to explore our helpful articles.


How to protect your PowerPoint presentation?

In the digital age, presentations often find their way onto the internet. To protect your work online:

a. Use bold watermarks to discourage unauthorised use.
b. Employ password protection for sensitive presentations.
c. Regularly monitor online platforms for potential infringement.

What is the purpose of copyrighting my presentation slides?

Copyrighting your entire presentation slides protects your intellectual property, ensuring that others cannot use or reproduce them without your permission.

It safeguards your work and may provide opportunities for licensing and recognition.

How can I determine the copyright status of materials I want to use in my presentation?

You can determine the copyright status by checking if the materials are in the public domain, obtaining proper permissions from copyright holders, or ensuring your use qualifies as fair use under copyright law.

Can I use images found online in my presentations?

Using images found online can be permissible if you have the rights or permissions to use them.

It’s essential to respect copyright laws and consider using licensed or original images in presentation slides to avoid legal issues.

What should I do if I encounter copyright issues regarding my presentation?

If faced with a copyright dispute, consult legal advice to understand your rights and responsibilities.

Resolving such issues may involve negotiation, obtaining permissions, or modifying your presentation content.

How can I create original ideas for my presentations while respecting copyright?

To generate original ideas for your presentations, focus on your unique insights, experiences, and expertise.

Whenever possible, use your creativity to develop original content, including images, graphics, and text, to avoid copyright concerns.