Key Takeaways:

  • Online intellectual property infringements are a serious issue that can have legal and financial consequences.
  • Intellectual property infringements online can include copyright violations, trademark violations, and patent infringements.
  • Individuals and businesses should be aware of and respect intellectual property rights when creating and distributing content online.
  • Using digital tools and technologies can help identify and combat online intellectual property infringements more efficiently.
  • To protect your own intellectual property online, it’s crucial to register trademarks and copyrights, monitor for infringements, and take appropriate legal actions if necessary.

With the advancement of digital technology and easy access to the internet, communication and sharing of information across the globe are revolutionised.

Since everything has two sides, the same goes for the prevailing technology.

On the one hand, it has paved the way for the easy spreading of knowledge among people across the planet, but on the other hand, it has some negative impacts.

Such negative sides include counterfeiting, copyright infringement, and many more that make up intellectual property infringement.

These infringing activities are pulling the legs of the business making them suffer huge revenue or financial losses, impacting their creativity, and living.

This article will give you every nook and crook of online intellectual property infringement.

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What is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual property refers to the creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols.

It is protected by law through patents, copyright, and trademarks, which enable creators to earn recognition and financial benefits from their work.

Types of Intellectual Property



Copyright law protects the original works of authorship, including literary, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works.

It provides the owner exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, display, and perform the work publicly.


Trademarks are symbols, names, or phrases that identify and distinguish the source of goods or services.

By registering a trademark, the owner gains exclusive rights to use the mark in commerce and prevent others from using similar marks that could confuse them.


Patents grant inventors exclusive rights to prevent others from making, using, selling, or importing their inventions for a limited period.

There are three types of patents: utility, design, and plant patents.

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Online Intellectual Property Infringements

Online intellectual property (IP) infringements occur when someone violates the exclusive rights of IP owners, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets, in the digital realm.

This can involve unauthorised copying, distribution, or use of protected works or assets without the IP owner’s permission.

With the growth of the internet and digital technology, online IP infringements have become increasingly prevalent and challenging to address.

Types of Online IP Infringement

The most common types of online IP infringement involve copyright, trademark, and patent violations.

Here are some examples of each type:

Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses protected works without the permission of the copyright owner.

Examples of online copyright infringement include:

File-sharing: Distributing copyrighted music, movies, e-books, or software through file-sharing platforms, torrents, or other peer-to-peer networks without authorisation.

Unauthorised streaming: Hosting or accessing unauthorised streams of copyrighted movies, TV shows, or live events.

Plagiarism: Copying and republishing copyrighted articles, blog posts, or other written content without permission or proper attribution.

Using copyrighted images, videos, or music: Embedding or posting copyrighted images, videos, or music on websites, blogs, or social media platforms without obtaining the necessary licenses or permissions.

Trademark Infringement

Trademark infringement involves the unauthorised use of a registered trademark, which is likely to cause confusion among consumers regarding the origin, affiliation, or endorsement of goods or services.

Examples of online trademark infringement include:

Domain name squatting: Registering domain names that are identical or confusingly similar to well-known trademarks with the intent to profit from the goodwill associated with those trademarks.

Fake online stores: Creating websites that imitate the design and branding of well-known companies to sell counterfeit or infringing products.

Unauthorised use of logos or branding: Using a company’s logo or branding elements on a website or social media platform without permission, in a way that could confuse consumers.

Keyword advertising: Bidding on trademarked terms in search engine advertising platforms to divert traffic to competing or unrelated websites.

Patent Infringement

Online patent infringement occurs when someone uses, sells, or offers for sale a patented invention without the permission of the patent owner.

Examples of online patent infringement include:

Selling infringing products: Offering for sale or selling products on e-commerce platforms that incorporate patented technologies without authorisation from the patent holder.

Unauthorised use of software or technology: Using patented software, algorithms, or other technologies on a website or online platform without obtaining the necessary licenses or permissions.

Infringing mobile apps: Developing and distributing mobile applications that incorporate patented features or functionalities without the patent owner’s consent.

Trade Secret Infringement

Trade secret violation, also known as trade secret misappropriation, occurs when someone improperly acquires, discloses, or uses a trade secret without the owner’s authorisation.

Trade secrets are confidential information that gives a business a competitive advantage and are protected under intellectual property law.

Examples of trade secrets include manufacturing processes, formulas, recipes, business strategies, and customer lists.

There are two primary types of violation of trade secrets:

  • Improper Acquisition: This occurs when someone acquires a trade secret through unlawful means, such as theft, bribery, hacking, espionage, or breach of a confidentiality agreement. For example, an employee might steal sensitive information from their employer and use it to start a competing business, or a competitor might bribe an employee to disclose confidential information.
  • Unauthorised Disclosure or Use: Trade secret infringement also occurs when someone who has lawfully acquired a trade secret discloses or uses it without the owner’s permission. This often involves employees or business partners who are entrusted with confidential information and later disclose or use it in violation of their duty of confidentiality. For example, a former employee might start a new job at a competing company and reveal their previous employer’s trade secrets to gain an advantage in the market.

It is crucial for individuals and businesses to be aware of IP laws and their obligations to avoid online IP infringement.

Those who suspect their IP rights have been infringed online should consult an attorney experienced in intellectual property law for guidance on the available legal remedies.

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Reasons for Online Intellectual Property Rights Infringement

online IP infringement

Several factors contribute to the prevalence of online IP infringement.

Some of the primary reasons include:

  • Ease of distribution: The internet has made it incredibly easy to distribute and share content, products, and services. This ease of distribution enables infringers to quickly and widely disseminate copyrighted material, counterfeit products, or patented technologies without authorisation.
  • Anonymity: The internet provides a level of anonymity that can make it difficult to identify and prosecute infringers. Individuals or organisations engaging in IP infringement can hide their identity, location, and other identifying information, making it challenging for rights holders to take legal action.
  • Global reach: Online IP infringement often transcends national borders, making it difficult for rights holders to enforce their IP rights across different jurisdictions. Different countries have varying IP laws and enforcement mechanisms, further complicating the process of addressing infringement.
  • Lack of awareness: Many individuals may not fully understand IP laws or the implications of their actions. They may engage in online IP infringement inadvertently, without realising the potential legal consequences or the harm they are causing to IP rights holders and the broader ecosystem.
  • Financial incentives: Infringers may be motivated by the potential for financial gain, as they can profit from the sale of counterfeit products or the unauthorised distribution of copyrighted content. These profits can be substantial, particularly when the infringed products or content are in high demand.
  • Technological advancements: Rapid advancements in technology, such as high-speed internet and file-sharing platforms, have made it easier for infringers to share and distribute copyrighted material or counterfeit goods. At the same time, emerging technologies may also create new opportunities for IP infringement that rights holders and enforcement agencies may not be fully equipped to address.
  • Perception of the low risk: Some individuals may perceive the risk of being caught and prosecuted for online IP infringement as low, especially given the anonymity and global reach afforded by the internet. This perception may embolden them to engage in infringing activities, believing that the potential rewards outweigh the risks.

Addressing online IP infringement requires a multi-faceted approach that involves raising awareness, strengthening legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms, and fostering collaboration between stakeholders, including IP rights holders, governments, industry organisations, and technology providers.

By working together, it is possible to create a safer and more equitable digital environment that respects and protects intellectual property rights.

Impact of Online IP Infringement 

Online IP infringement has significant impacts on both consumers and IP rights holders.

The consequences of these infringements can manifest in various ways, affecting multiple aspects of the digital landscape.

For consumers

  • Lower-quality products: Consumers who unknowingly purchase counterfeit or pirated products may end up with items of inferior quality, which do not meet their expectations and may not function as intended.
  • Safety risks: Counterfeit goods can pose serious safety risks, as they may not adhere to industry standards or regulations, potentially leading to accidents or harm to consumers.
  • Financial loss: Consumers may experience financial losses when purchasing counterfeit or pirated products, as they often receive substandard goods that do not provide the desired value.
  • Cybersecurity threats: Online IP infringements can expose consumers to cyber threats, such as malware or phishing attempts, often associated with the distribution of counterfeit goods or pirated content.
  • Erosion of trust: The prevalence of online IP infringement can lead to a loss of trust in online marketplaces, brands, and digital platforms, as consumers become wary of the authenticity and quality of the products and content they access.

For IP Rights Holders

  • Loss of revenue: Unauthorised use or distribution of copyrighted materials, counterfeit products, or patent infringement can result in significant financial losses for IP rights holders, as it reduces their ability to monetise their creations.
  • Diminished brand reputation: Counterfeit goods and pirated content can tarnish the reputation of a brand, as consumers may associate the poor quality or negative experiences with the legitimate brand, even if the infringement is not their fault.
  • Legal costs: IP rights holders often need to invest considerable time and resources in legal proceedings to enforce their rights and address infringements. This can be a costly and time-consuming process.
  • Loss of control: Online IP infringement can make it difficult for rights holders to control the distribution and use of their creations, undermining their ability to manage their assets and protect their interests.
  • Weakened incentives for innovation: The financial losses and loss of control resulting from IP infringement can diminish the incentives for creators and innovators to invest in research, development, and the creation of new products, services, or content.

Overall, the impact of online IP infringement extends beyond the immediate parties involved and can have far-reaching consequences for the digital ecosystem as a whole.

It is vital for all stakeholders to work together to combat this issue and create a safer, more equitable online environment.

Protecting Your IP Online

protecting ip

Safeguarding your intellectual property (IP) online is crucial in today’s digital landscape.

As the internet facilitates the rapid sharing of information and content, IP owners face unique challenges in protecting their valuable assets.

Here are some strategies to help protect your IP online:

Register your IP rights: Ensure your IP rights are registered, such as copyrights, trademarks, and patents. Registration provides legal recognition and protection, making it easier to enforce your rights against infringers.

Conduct thorough research: Before launching a product or service, perform comprehensive research to identify existing patents, trademarks, and copyrights in your industry. This will help you avoid unintentionally infringing on others’ IPs.

Monitor the Internet: Regularly monitor the Internet, social media, online marketplaces, and other digital platforms for potential infringements of your IP rights. Use search engines, content identification tools, and monitoring services to help detect unauthorised use of your IP.

Implement digital rights management (DRM): Utilise DRM systems to control access to your copyrighted digital content, such as software, e-books, or multimedia files. DRM can help prevent unauthorised copying, sharing, or distribution of your content.

Use watermarking and metadata: Embed watermarks or metadata in your digital content to identify its source and ownership. This can help deter infringers, track unauthorised use, and support enforcement efforts.

Employ technological protection measures (TPMs): Implement TPMs, such as encryption, access controls, or authentication mechanisms, to secure your digital assets and prevent unauthorised access, copying, or distribution.

Educate stakeholders: Inform employees, customers, and partners about IP rights and responsibilities. Encourage them to respect others’ IP, properly attribute sources, and report potential infringements.

Develop and enforce IP policies: Establish clear IP policies for your organisation, outlining procedures for protecting and enforcing your IP rights online. Ensure your employees and partners adhere to these policies.

Take swift action against infringers: When you discover IP infringement, act quickly to enforce your rights. Send cease-and-desist letters, file takedown notices, or pursue legal remedies, if necessary. Prompt action can help mitigate the impact of infringement and deter future violations.

Collaborate with industry partners and law enforcement: Work with other businesses, trade organisations, and law enforcement agencies to share information, resources, and best practices for combating online IP infringement.

Consider international protection: If your products or services are marketed, manufactured, or distributed globally, consider registering and enforcing your IP rights in other countries.

Familiarise yourself with international IP laws and regulations, such as World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).

By implementing these strategies, you can better protect your valuable IP assets online and minimise the risks associated with digital IP infringements.

Why its to Protect Intellectual Property Rights Infringement?

Have you ever come across a website or social media post that seems too good to be true?

Maybe it’s a product that you’ve been searching for at a price that’s too good to pass up. Or perhaps it’s a video or piece of music that you’re able to access for free.

While it might be tempting to take advantage of these seemingly great deals, it’s important to remember that online IP infringement is a serious issue with far-reaching consequences.

The ease with which digital content can be shared and distributed online has made it easier than ever for individuals and organisations to infringe on the intellectual property of others.

This can include everything from using copyrighted material without permission to selling counterfeit products that infringe on trademarks.

While it might seem harmless, these actions can have serious consequences, including legal action, fines, and reputational damage.

But the problem doesn’t just affect content creators and innovators. It can also have a negative impact on consumers, who may unwittingly purchase counterfeit products or be exposed to potentially harmful content.

And as more and more industries move online, the problem of online IP infringement is only becoming more prevalent and challenging to address.

That’s why it’s important for all of us to take responsibility for protecting intellectual property rights online.

Whether you’re a content creator, a consumer, or simply a casual user of the internet, it’s crucial to be aware of the importance of respecting IP rights and the potential consequences of infringement.

By working together to promote a culture of respect for intellectual property, we can create a safer, more equitable online environment for everyone.

How to Report IP Infringements?

If you suspect that your intellectual property (IP) rights are being infringed upon, it’s essential to take action to protect your assets.

Here are some steps to help you report and address IP infringements:

Gather Evidence of the Infringement

Collect evidence of the alleged infringement, including screenshots, web addresses, product listings, or other relevant information.

This documentation will be important when reporting the infringement and enforcing your rights.

Send a Cease-and-Desist Letter

Consider sending a cease-and-desist letter to the infringer, informing them of your IP rights and demanding that they stop the infringing activity immediately.

This can sometimes resolve the issue without further legal action.

Report the Infringement to Online Platforms

If the infringement occurs on an online platform, such as a social media site, e-commerce marketplace, or search engine, report the violation using the platform’s reporting mechanisms.

Most platforms have procedures for IP owners to submit infringement reports and request the removal of infringing content or products.

Contact Law Enforcement Agencies

In some cases, particularly for counterfeiting or criminal infringement, you may need to involve law enforcement agencies.

Report the infringement to your local police department or the appropriate federal agency, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Consult with an IP Attorney

Seek legal advice from an IP attorney to determine your options for enforcing your IP rights.

They can guide you through the process of filing a lawsuit, seeking an injunction, or pursuing other legal remedies.

File a Lawsuit

If necessary, file a lawsuit against the infringer in a court of law.

This may involve suing for damages, requesting an injunction to stop the infringing activity, or seeking other legal remedies.

Be prepared for the time and financial commitment involved in pursuing litigation.

Register a Complaint with a Relevant Industry Organisation

If the infringement involves an industry-specific issue, you may consider filing a complaint with a relevant industry organisation or trade association.

These organisations may be able to provide assistance or resources to address the infringement.

Collaborate with Other IP Owners

Join forces with other IP owners who may be facing similar infringement issues.

Collaborative efforts can help increase the effectiveness of enforcement actions and raise awareness of IP infringements.

By following these steps to report IP infringements, you can protect your intellectual property rights and mitigate the negative consequences associated with the unauthorised use of your IP assets.

How to Avoid Online IP Infringement?

avoid online intellectual property breach

To avoid online intellectual property (IP) infringement, it is essential to be aware of IP laws and best practices.

The following guidelines can help individuals and businesses minimise the risk of infringing on someone else’s IP rights while operating online:

Familiarise yourself with IP laws: Learn about copyright, trademark, and patent laws in your jurisdiction and any other regions where you operate or do business. Understanding the legal framework will help you recognise and respect the IP rights of others.

Conduct thorough research: Before using any content, logo, product design, or technology, ensure that it is not protected by IP rights. Conduct research to determine whether it is copyrighted, trademarked, or patented, and seek permission or licenses as needed.

Obtain proper licenses and permissions: If you want to use copyrighted materials, such as images, music, or articles, make sure to obtain the necessary licenses or permissions from the rights holders.

This may involve paying fees or royalties, depending on the terms set by the content owner.

Create original content: To avoid copyright infringement, always create original content for your website, blog, or social media platforms. If you must use someone else’s work, ensure that you provide proper attribution and follow the principles of fair use, where applicable.

Choose unique trademarks and domain names: When creating a brand identity, select a unique name and logo that do not infringe on existing trademarks. Similarly, register domain names that are not confusingly similar to existing brands or trademarks.

Respect trade secrets and confidentiality agreements: If you have access to trade secrets or confidential information, ensure that you uphold any agreements or legal obligations related to that information. Do not disclose or use trade secrets without proper authorisation.

Implement internal IP policies: Establish clear IP policies and guidelines within your organisation to ensure that employees understand the importance of IP protection and how to avoid infringing on others’ rights.

Monitor third-party content: If you operate a platform or website that allows users to upload or share content, implement measures to prevent or remove infringing material.

This may involve using automated content identification tools or providing a reporting system for users to flag potential IP violations.

Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with changes in IP laws and best practices, as well as emerging technologies and platforms that could impact IP protection.

Seek legal advice: If you are unsure about whether your online activities may infringe on someone else’s IP rights, consult an attorney experienced in intellectual property law for guidance.

By following these guidelines, individuals and businesses can minimise the risk of online IP infringement and foster a culture of IP awareness and respect.

IP Infringement Cases

Yahoo! Inc. v. Akash Arora & Anr case

The Yahoo! Inc. v. Akash Arora & Anr case was a landmark decision in India that shed light on the importance of protecting intellectual property rights in the digital sphere, particularly regarding domain names and trademarks.

This case emphasised that unauthorised registration and use of domain names similar or identical to established trademarks or service marks can constitute infringement and have serious legal consequences.

In this case, the defendant had registered and was using the domain name ‘Yahoo India,’ which closely resembled the plaintiff’s well-known ‘Yahoo!’ trademark.

The court recognised that the use of the domain name could lead to confusion and deception among internet users, as they might assume that the defendant’s website was affiliated with or endorsed by Yahoo! Inc.

The court’s ruling affirmed that domain names on the internet hold the same function as trademarks or service marks, and thus, the defendant’s use of the domain name amounted to infringement of the plaintiff’s trademark rights.

Additionally, the court found that a simple disclaimer by the defendant was insufficient to prevent confusion and differentiate the two entities.

This case serves as an essential precedent in the protection of trademark rights in the online environment, especially in the context of cybersquatting.

The case highlights the need to preserve the distinctiveness and uniqueness of a trademark as valuable assets that can be infringed upon through the unauthorised use of similar or identical domain names.

This decision has reinforced the importance of safeguarding intellectual property rights in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Star India Pvt. Ltd. v. & Ors.

This case involved an infringement of the copyright of a film produced and distributed by Star India, a film production and distribution company.

The defendant owned online streaming websites that had unauthorisedly streamed the plaintiff’s copyrighted content.

The plaintiff filed a suit for infringement of copyright, and the Delhi High Court held the defendant liable for copyright infringement as the defendant had streamed the copyrighted content without the plaintiff’s knowledge and consent.

The court ordered an injunction and granted damages, thus ensuring the plaintiff’s exclusive right to control its work.

This case is a significant precedent in establishing the importance of safeguarding copyright in the digital world, particularly with the increasing use of online streaming websites.

It highlights the significance of protecting the exclusive right of the copyright owner to exploit their work and the consequences of unauthorised streaming of copyrighted content.

Online IP Infringements and the Future

The rise of the digital age has brought many benefits, such as increased connectivity, accessibility, and innovation.

However, it has also created new challenges for intellectual property (IP) owners, as the internet has become a breeding ground for online IP infringements.

The future of IP protection will require a combination of technological, legal, and societal measures to effectively combat online IP infringements.

Here are some key trends and considerations for the future of online IP protection:

Emerging technologies: Advancements in technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning may offer new opportunities for IP protection.

For example, blockchain technology can provide a decentralised and transparent platform for IP registration and enforcement, while AI and machine learning can help automate the detection and enforcement of IP infringements.

Globalisation: As businesses and consumers become more globally interconnected, the need for international IP protection will continue to grow.

IP owners will need to navigate the complex landscape of international IP laws and regulations, including those related to cross-border data transfer, privacy, and jurisdiction.

Collaboration and partnerships: Collaboration and partnerships between IP owners, industry groups, and law enforcement agencies will become increasingly important for combatting online IP infringements.

Such partnerships can help share resources, knowledge, and best practices for protecting IP rights in the digital age.

User education and awareness: Educating and raising awareness among users, such as employees, customers, and partners, about IP rights and responsibilities will be critical for preventing online IP infringements.

User education can help promote a culture of respect for IP, reduce unintentional violations, and increase the likelihood of detecting and reporting potential infringements.

Regulatory and legal reforms: As the digital landscape evolves, regulatory and legal frameworks for IP protection will need to adapt accordingly.

Policymakers and lawmakers will need to balance the interests of IP owners with those of users, consumers, and society at large, to ensure a fair and effective system of IP protection.

In short, protecting intellectual property in the digital age presents many challenges, but also opportunities for innovation and collaboration.

By staying informed about emerging trends and technologies, engaging in partnerships, and educating stakeholders, IP owners can better position themselves to protect their valuable assets and thrive in the digital economy.

How Does Bytescare Help in Preventing Intellectual Property Infringement?

As technology advances, it has become easier for pirates to infringe on intellectual property, leak content, and impersonate brands, causing significant harm to individuals and businesses.

Fortunately, Bytescare is here to help with its range of anti-piracy services.

Whether you’re a content creator, brand owner, or business owner, our team of experts can assist you in protecting your intellectual property from infringement, content leakage, impersonation, and other pirate attacks.

Our services are designed to eliminate digital piracy, remove counterfeit products from e-commerce platforms, knock off credential reselling, monitor for fake profiles, and analyse existing systems for loopholes.

With Bytescare, you can rest assured that your intellectual property is in safe hands.

So, if you’re looking to protect your brand, reputation, and business intelligence, Bytescare is the solution you need.

What’s Next?

The issue of online IP infringement is a complex and evolving problem that requires a multifaceted approach.

While the internet has brought about many benefits, it has also made it easier for individuals and organisations to infringe on the intellectual property of others.

To combat this, it is important for stakeholders to work together to develop new strategies and technologies to protect IP rights in the digital age.

In addition, it is crucial for individuals and organisations to educate themselves about the importance of respecting IP rights and the potential consequences of infringement.

By working together and promoting a culture of respect for intellectual property, we can create a more fair and equitable online environment that benefits everyone.

Ultimately, the fight against online IP infringement is an ongoing one, but by staying vigilant and working together, we can ensure that the digital world continues to be a place where innovation and creativity can thrive.

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What are online intellectual property infringements examples?

Examples of online intellectual property infringements include unauthorised use of copyrighted materials such as images, videos, and music; sale of counterfeit products that infringe on trademarks; and use of patented technologies without permission.

What is an online infringement?

Online infringement refers to the unauthorised use, reproduction, or distribution of copyrighted, patented, or trademarked material on the Internet or other digital platforms.

What are the different types of IP in India?

In India, the different types of intellectual property include patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs, and geographical indications.

What are examples of digital intellectual property?

Examples of digital intellectual property include software, digital music and videos, e-books, and online courses.

What are the risks of IPR infringement?

The risks of IPR infringement include legal action, fines, reputational damage, loss of revenue, and decreased innovation.

What are the intellectual property issues in e-commerce?

Intellectual property issues in e-commerce include the sale of counterfeit products, the use of copyrighted material without permission, and the infringement of patented technologies.

Can I be sued for intellectual property infringement?

Yes, it is possible to be sued for intellectual property infringement, depending on the specific circumstances and severity of the infringement.

Regarding intellectual property law, is copyright infringement theft?

Copyright infringement is not considered theft in the legal sense, as theft typically involves the physical taking of someone else’s property.

However, copyright infringement can still be a serious offense and can result in legal action and significant damages for the infringing party.

The unauthorised use or reproduction of copyrighted material, such as music, videos, or written works, without permission from the copyright holder, is a violation of intellectual property law and can result in legal consequences.

While copyright infringement is not technically considered theft, it is still a serious legal matter that should be avoided.

How is theft of intellectual property different from physical theft?

Intellectual property theft differs from physical theft in that it involves the unauthorised use or reproduction of intangible property, such as an idea, invention, or creative expression, rather than the taking of physical property.

However, in the case of intellectual property infringement, an infringer can still steal certain physical property associated with the IP, such as confidential trade secrets or patented technologies.

The theft of these physical properties can have serious consequences, including legal action and reputational damage for the infringer.

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