Navigating the landscape of logo and brand name legal protection in India is crucial for businesses aiming to safeguard their identity.

Understanding how brands are protected by copyright and trademark laws is the first step towards ensuring that the symbols and names that represent your business are secure from infringement and misuse.

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Importance of Legal Protection for Logos and Names

Protecting your logo and brand name is crucial because they are not just symbols or words; they represent your business’s identity, reputation, and the trust you’ve built with your customers.

They differentiate your products or services from those of competitors, signaling to consumers the source and quality of what they are buying.

Imagine pouring your heart and soul into building a brand, only for someone else to profit off your hard work by using a similar logo or name.

This not only confuses your customers but can also dilute your brand’s strength and value.

It could lead to a loss of sales, a tarnished reputation, and a significant setback in the market presence you’ve worked so hard to establish.

Moreover, in the absence of legal protection, you may find yourself powerless to stop the misuse or misrepresentation of your brand.

This is why it’s essential to secure the legal protection of your logo and brand name.

It’s like putting a lock on your door; it keeps what’s valuable safe and gives you the right to take action against those who try to break in.

Related Article: How to protect a brand name

Logo Brands Protected by Copyright and Trademark

Logos serve as a visual symbol that encapsulates the essence of a brand.

They are not just mere graphics; they are a shorthand for the business owner’s promise to their customers.

Trademark law plays a pivotal role in the realm of product differentiation and brand identity.

It grants the owner exclusive usage rights, ensuring that the logo can only legally represent the goods or services of their business.

Trademarks are a form of intellectual property that can encompass a variety of elements, including words, phrases, symbols, and designs.

These elements collectively perform the crucial function of distinguishing one business’s offerings from another’s.

For instance, when you see a swoosh on a shoe, you immediately recognise it as a product of Nike, thanks to trademark protection.

Copyright law, while distinct from trademark law, is another vital protector of business assets.

It safeguards original works of authorship, which can range from literary compositions to musical scores and from dramatic works to artistic creations.

Logos and business names might fall under the ambit of copyright if they embody significant creative design elements or artwork that qualify as original artistic creations.

The intersection of copyright and trademark in protecting a logo is significant.

A logo that is both a distinctive trademark and an artistic creation enjoys a robust shield in both legal domains.

This dual protection is advantageous for a business owner, as it provides a broader spectrum of legal remedies against infringement.

For example, the Nike swoosh or McDonald’s golden arches are protected by trademark law because they are symbols that consumers associate with the products offered by these companies.

If these logos also contain unique artistic features, they could be protected by copyright as well.

For businesses, securing the legal protection of logos and brand names is not just about safeguarding a visual symbol; it’s about protecting the reputation and the very identity of the business.

It’s about ensuring that the business assets, which include the brand name and logo, are exclusively associated with their products or services, thereby maintaining the integrity of the brand.

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Examples of Brands That are Protected by Copyright or Trademark

Brands often utilise both copyright and trademark protections to safeguard different elements of their identity and intellectual property.

Here are some examples:

Apple Inc.

  • Trademark: The Apple logo, the word “Apple,” and the names of their products like “iPhone” and “MacBook” are trademarked, which means they are protected from being used by others in a way that could confuse consumers.
  • Copyright: The unique software, user interface designs, and promotional materials are protected by copyright.


  • Trademark: The Disney name, the specific stylized logo, and character names like “Mickey Mouse” and “Elsa” are trademarked.
  • Copyright: The movies, television shows, and original characters are copyrighted, including the specific artistic renderings of these characters.


  • Trademark: The Nike name, the “Just Do It” slogan, and the swoosh logo are trademarked.


  • Trademark: The Adidas three-stripe design and the Adidas name are trademarked.


  • Trademark: The golden arches, the name “McDonald’s,” and the term “Big Mac” are among their trademarks.

These brands have successfully used the combination of copyright and trademark laws to protect their intellectual property, ensuring that their brand identity remains unique and their content is not used without permission.

Logo and Brand Name Legal Protection in India

In India, the safeguarding of logos and brand names is meticulously structured under the Trade Marks Act, 1999.

This act lays down a comprehensive legal framework for the trademark registration process, empowering businesses to establish and protect their unique business identity with a registered trademark owner status.

Upon successful trademark filing, a company is entitled to brandish the trademark symbol ® alongside its logo or brand name, signaling its registered and protected status.

This not only serves as a badge of authenticity but also as a legal shield against infringement.

The trademark registration process in India is detailed and methodical, involving several critical steps:

Conduct a Trademark Search

The journey begins with a trademark search within the trademark registry journal to ensure that the intended logo or brand name does not infringe on existing types of trademarks.

Prepare the Application

Once the search confirms the uniqueness of the logo or brand name, the next step is to compile and submit an application for trademark registration, detailing the applicant’s information and the specific trademark.

Mandatory Assessment Period

After the trademark filing, there’s a statutory time period for assessment, typically around one month, where the trademark office scrutinises the application.

Any objections must be addressed by the applicant, who bears the burden of proof to demonstrate the trademark’s validity.

Publication in the Trademark Journal

A hurdle-free application or one that has overcome objections is then published in the online trademark registration journal, opening a window of four months for public opposition.

Final Registration

In the absence of opposition, or if any challenges are resolved, the final step is the issuance of the certificate of trademark registration, conferring the exclusive rights of the trademark to the owner in India.

The tenure of this protection spans a ten-year period, with the provision for indefinite renewals, thereby ensuring the maintenance of the business’s level of quality and reputation.

The registered trademark owner possesses the legal right to initiate litigation for any infringement, reinforcing business compliances.

Furthermore, India’s participation in the Madrid Protocol facilitates Indian businesses in extending their trademark protection internationally with a single application, streamlining business compliances across borders.

In today’s digital-centric world, it’s equally vital to manage online brand representation.

Securing domain names and vigilantly monitoring online usage of the brand name and logo are part of modern business strategies.

The evolving legal landscape now includes prompt actions against cybersquatting and unauthorised online usage, protecting the digital facets of a business’s identity.

In essence, the trademark registration process in India is a critical step for businesses to legally endorse their identity and secure their intellectual property rights, ensuring their brand remains distinctive and legally protected.

Related Article: How to protect your brand internationally

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Copyright Registration Steps for a Logo

To copyright a logo that contains artistic elements, you must first secure trademark registration.

Here’s how you can proceed with copyright registration after obtaining trademark protection for your logo:

Conduct a Preliminary Copyright Search

Begin by documenting the logo’s design in a tangible form, such as a Word document.

Then, carry out a preliminary search to ensure there are no existing copyrights that could conflict with your logo.

Prepare and File the Application

Submit a copyright registration application to the appropriate department, accompanied by the necessary fee and information about the logo.

Upon successful submission, you will receive a diary number for your application.

Observe the Mandatory Waiting Period

The logo will be under the department’s review for a period of 30 days, during which any objections can be filed against the copyright application.

Undergo Examiner Review

If no objections are raised, the application will be sent to an examiner for further scrutiny.

Pass the Final Examination

The examiner will review the application for any discrepancies. If none are found, the application moves to the final approval stage.

Receive the Certificate of Registration

Once the application is approved, you will be issued a certificate of copyright registration, affirming your exclusive rights to the logo.

Remember, obtaining trademark registration for your logo and brand name in India is a prerequisite. If your logo includes unique artistic work, it’s wise to also secure it with copyright registration to ensure comprehensive protection.

Upholding Rights Against Violations in India

In India, the rights associated with copyrights and trademarks do not necessarily require registration to be enforceable.

Owners of both registered and unregistered copyrights and trademarks have access to legal remedies in the event of infringement.

On the criminal front, the law imposes penalties for violations of both copyright and trademark laws.

For instance, knowingly infringing upon the copyright of a logo, or assisting in such infringement, is a punishable offense under copyright statutes.

Similarly, trademark laws penalise the act of deceitfully applying a false trademark.

Violations under both domains can lead to imprisonment for up to three years and fines of up to two lakh rupees.

However, the civil remedies differ slightly between the two. While the owner of an artistic logo can file a lawsuit for copyright infringement even without registration, the same is not true for trademark infringement concerning an unregistered brand logo.

Yet, for a well-known logo, whether registered or not, the owner may pursue a ‘passing off’ action.

This common law remedy is designed to protect the reputation and goodwill a business has cultivated, preventing others from misusing their trade names and trademarks in commerce.

It’s important to highlight that in any enforcement action, both copyright and trademark registrations serve as strong initial evidence of ownership.

This underscores the value of registration, even though certain protections are inherent regardless of registration status.

Balancing Moral Rights and Public Interests

The dichotomy between social and economic incentives is evident in the protection mechanisms of copyright and trademark laws.

Copyrights primarily serve to acknowledge and reward the creative labors of authors and creators, safeguarding their moral rights.

These rights are intrinsic and remain with the creator even after the commercial rights have been assigned or sold.

This ensures that the creator’s personal and reputational interests are preserved, reflecting a respect for their lifelong association with their work.

Conversely, trademarks, particularly in the form of logos, are essential for business recognition and the accumulation of goodwill—an invaluable intangible asset.

The recognition of a brand by the general public is crucial for a business’s success.

Trademarks are not just identifiers; they play a pivotal role in preventing public confusion by distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of another.

In this way, trademark protection aligns with public interests, ensuring consumers can make informed choices without being misled by similar brand identities.

Thus, while trademarks are vital tools for business owners, their protection also fulfills a public service by maintaining market order and integrity.

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In conclusion, the journey of securing a logo and brand name in India through trademark application is a testament to a company’s commitment to quality service and branding.

While unregistered trademarks may offer some protection over a period of time, the robustness of registered rights—complete with the trademark symbol—cannot be understated.

Seeking legal advice, understanding the aspect of trademark registration, and ensuring original creations are legally protected, not only captures the attention of people but safeguards against actual damage.

It’s a strategic move that resonates with potential customers and cements a business domain in the marketplace.


How can I protect my brand name in India?

To protect your brand name in India, you should file a trademark application with the Indian Trademark Registry. This will give you exclusive rights to use the name in connection with the goods or services listed in your registration.

What brands are protected by copyright or trademark?

Brands that have distinctive names, logos, or symbols that are used in commerce can be protected by trademarks. If the brand includes original artistic works, it can also be protected by copyright.

How are brands protected by copyright and trademark?

Brands are protected by copyright when they involve original artistic content. Trademark law protects brands by preventing others from using a similar mark in a way that would confuse consumers about the source of goods or services.

Does copyright protect the company name?

Copyright does not directly protect company names. However, company names can be safeguarded under trademark law against ‘passing off.’ This legal concept is designed to prevent businesses from misleading consumers into thinking they are dealing with a different, often more established company by using a similar name or logo or by implying a false association with the established company.

Can a copyright registration of a logo be used in a passing-off case?

Yes, copyright registration of a logo can be beneficial in a passing-off case. The registration serves as official evidence of the logo’s design and the date it was registered. This can be crucial in establishing who used the logo first, thereby helping to prove the case of the original owner against the entity that is accused of passing off.

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