Do you know how to check video copyright in social media for the infringement?

In this digital age, videos have become a common way of expressing ideas, sharing knowledge, and entertaining audiences.

From social media platforms to corporate presentations, videos are everywhere.

However, as creators or users of these videos, we must understand and respect the legal implications attached to them, specifically in relation to  laws.

Copyright infringement can lead to serious consequences, making it crucial to ensure that any videos we use or share are done so lawfully.

This brings us to the focus of this blog post — understanding how to check video copyright.

This blog post is intended to simplify the process of checking video copyright, explaining the steps in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner.

How to Know if a Video has Copyright?

Understanding whether a video is copyrighted can be a tricky endeavor, as almost all creative works, including videos, are automatically granted protection at the time of their creation.

However, here are some steps you can take to identify if a video is copyrighted:

Look for Copyright Notices

The easiest initial step is to check the video for any notices.

This might be a statement or symbol (©) somewhere in the video or in its description that indicates copyright.

Check the Video Description

Some video-sharing platforms, like YouTube, encourage video creators to mention in the description if their video contains copyrighted material.

Research the Source

If you found the video on a video-sharing platform, look into the uploader’s account information.

Sometimes, creators will provide  details there.

Search Copyright Databases

In the U.S., you can search the U.S. Office’s online database to see if the work has been registered.

Use Content ID Systems

Platforms like YouTube have Content ID systems that automatically check uploaded content against a database of files that have been identified as copyrighted.

Reach Out to the Creator or Rights Holder

If you’re still unsure, the best course of action is often to contact the person or company who posted the video and ask directly.

Remember, when in doubt, always assume a work is copyrighted and seek appropriate permissions before using it.

Even when a work isn’t marked with a copyright symbol, it’s likely still protected by copyright law.

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How to Check Video Copyright? – Youtube

YouTube is one of the most popular video sharing platforms where issues of copyright are regularly encountered.

Look for Copyright Notices

Some video creators include a  notice in their video or in the video description. Always check there first.

Check the Video Description

The video’s description might include a disclaimer that copyrighted content is being used under fair use or with permission.

Alternatively, it might state that the video is the original work of the uploader.

Research the Channel

Look at the information about the channel that uploaded the video.

If it’s a reputable organisation or person, they may be more likely to hold the copyright or to have permission to use the video.

Check for a Content ID Claim

If there’s a claim on the video, you’ll see a  symbol next to the video when viewing it in YouTube Studio.

You’ll also receive an email notification. However, this method applies mostly to creators or uploaders.

Look at the comments

Sometimes, discussions in the comment section can give you an indication of whether a video is copyrighted or not.

Reach Out to the Uploader or Rights Holder

When in doubt, the safest option is to contact the uploader directly for more information.

They should be able to tell you if the video is copyrighted and if permissions are necessary for reuse.

What to Do if You Get Copyright Strike on Youtube?

A copyright strike on YouTube is a serious matter. It occurs when an owner formally notifies YouTube that their copyrighted material is being used without their permission.

If you receive a copyright strike, here are the steps you need to take:

Acknowledge the Strike

When you get a  strike, the first step is to go to YouTube’s Notice page and acknowledge it.

YouTube requires this before you can upload videos again.

Complete Copyright School

YouTube also requires that you complete a brief educational course called school, which includes watching a video and answering a short quiz.

This is designed to help you understand  laws and the implications of violating them.

Wait for the Strike to Expire

Copyright strikes aren’t permanent. They expire after 90 days, as long as you complete Copyright School.

However, your channel may lose some features during this time, such as the ability to monetize, and if you get three strikes, your channel can be terminated.

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Request a Retraction

If the owner made a mistake, you could get in touch with them and ask them to retract their claim of infringement.

YouTube provides a form to assist with this process.

Submit a Counter Notification

If you believe your video was mistakenly removed because it was misidentified as infringing, or it is not infringing due to fair use, fair dealing, or a similar exception to copyright, you can file a counter-notification.

It’s recommended to seek legal advice before submitting a counter-notification.


In conclusion, navigating the terrain of video copyright is essential in today’s digital world, whether you are a content creator, a digital marketer, or a casual internet user.

Understanding how to check video copyright can protect you from inadvertent infringement, ensuring you uphold the rights of original creators while avoiding potential legal complications.

As we’ve explored, there are multiple strategies to investigate a video’s  status, from scrutinizing notices and video descriptions to using platforms’ Content ID systems or reaching out to creators directly.

While the process may seem daunting, with due diligence and a respectful approach to the creative rights of others, you can confidently engage with the digital world of video content.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I tell if a video is copyrighted?

Almost all creative works, including videos, are granted  protection the moment they’re created.

However, you can look for notices in the video or its description, check the creator’s information, search  databases, use Content ID systems on platforms like YouTube, or reach out to the creator or rights holder.

Is every video on YouTube copyrighted?

By default, most videos uploaded to YouTube are protected by copyright, as law automatically grants this protection to the creator.

What should I do if I receive a copyright strike on YouTube?

If you receive a strike, first acknowledge the strike on YouTube’s Copyright Notice page. Then, complete YouTube’s Copyright School.

Can I use a copyrighted video if I give credit to the owner?

Not necessarily. Giving credit to the owner might be a good practice, but it does not automatically grant you the rights to use copyrighted material.

You generally need explicit permission from the rights holder, unless your usage falls under fair use, a concept that allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission under certain circumstances.

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How can I use copyrighted videos legally on YouTube?

To use copyrighted videos legally on YouTube, you can obtain explicit permission from the owner, use content that is in the public domain, or create content that falls under fair use.