Key Takeaway:

  • Regularly verify the device integrity status to prevent unauthorised access and modifications. This is essential in mitigating piracy in gaming by ensuring that only legitimate versions of your title are active on users’ Android devices.
  • Identify and tackle different sources of piracy by implementing multiple versions of protection, such as license verification and code obfuscation. 
  • Allocate amounts of time ensuring that your software features are secure and that your application delivery process is robust.

Protecting your Android titles from piracy is important to maintaining revenue and ensuring a fair experience for legitimate users. This article, how to put piracy protection for android games, looks into effective strategies to safeguard your mobile applications against unauthorised distribution.

Implementing automatic integrity protection ensures that your app remains unaltered on any Android device, while providing code samples can help developers integrate these measures seamlessly.

Learn how to enable anti-piracy options and utilise copy-protection options to distinguish between legitimate versions and unprotected versions that digital pirates might exploit.

By incorporating a robust license key system and leveraging android licensing, you can significantly reduce the prevalence of unofficial copies over a prolonged period. Additionally, knowing the role of the content handler enhances your ability to control access, ultimately strengthening your app’s defenses against those seeking to bypass security.

Empower your customers with secure, authentic experiences by adopting these essential anti-piracy protection techniques.

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What is Game Piracy?

Game piracy is the unauthorised copying, distribution, and use of video games.

It involves obtaining a copy of a game without purchasing it from legitimate sources or distributing copies of games without the authorisation of the copyright holder.

This illegal activity can take various forms, including:

  • Cracked Versions: This involves modifying the game’s files to bypass security measures, such as licensing checks or digital rights management (DRM) systems, allowing users to play the game without a valid license.
  • Torrents and File Sharing: Games are often uploaded to torrent sites or other file-sharing platforms, allowing users to download them for free. These downloads are typically unauthorised copies that infringe on the copyright of the game developers and publishers.
  • Counterfeit Physical Copies: Some pirates produce physical copies of games, complete with packaging, and sell them as if they were legitimate. These are often of inferior quality and lack official support.
  • Shared Accounts: Some users share their game account details with others, allowing multiple people to access and play a game without each person purchasing it. This can violate the terms of service of many gaming platforms.

Why is Piracy Protection Essential?

Piracy protection is vital for game developers, especially in the era of mobile gaming piracy. Here’s why:

Financial Impact: The impact on revenue caused by piracy is significant. Game development involves substantial investments. When games are pirated, developers face a loss of revenue, making it challenging to recoup their investment and fund future projects.

Intellectual Property Rights: As the form of piracy evolves, games remain a form of intellectual property. Online piracy infringes on the rights of content creators, depriving them of control over their gaming content.

Quality Control: Pirated game versions might be modified, leading to a subpar gaming experience. This can harm the reputation of developers if app users mistakenly believe these altered versions represent the developer’s original work.

Security Concerns: Mobile devices are particularly vulnerable. Pirated games, especially those from illegitimate app stores frequented by black market enthusiasts, can contain malware or other malicious software. If users mistakenly associate these security threats with the original game or app from piracy, it can tarnish the developer’s reputation.

Support and Updates: Developers provide updates and support for legitimate copies of their games. However, as the form of piracy evolves, pirated versions might not have access to these updates, leading to gameplay issues. Moreover, supporting users with pirated copies can strain the allocation of resources.

Incentive to Create: The effects of digital piracy can be demoralising. If developers cannot earn a reasonable return due to the market dynamics of the android market, they might be discouraged from creating new content on their development platform.

Economic Impact on the Industry: Widespread video game piracy can lead to job losses. When revenues decline, the resource allocation within the gaming industry, including developers, online content creators, and related businesses, can be affected.

Evolving Threats: As unauthorised content becomes more prevalent on centralised platforms and crowdsourcing platforms, the challenges of combating piracy increase. The Android platforms, in particular, have seen a surge in pirated content.

User Consent: A significant concern with pirated games is the lack of user consent. Pirated games or apps often access user data without permission, violating privacy norms.

In essence, video game piracy protection is important to safeguard revenues, protect the integrity of the game, ensure the safety and best experience for users, and preserve the future of the gaming industry, especially in the face of evolving threats like drive swap methods used by pirates.

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How to Put Piracy Protection for Android Games?

how to stop android game piracy

Nowadays Android games are more susceptible to piracy than ever before.

With the rise of third-party app stores and streaming piracy, developers need to be proactive in their anti-piracy efforts.

Here’s a guide on implementing robust app piracy protection for Android games:

License Checking

Licensing is a key element in combating piracy. Effective licensing systems verify the legitimacy of the game installation and prevent unauthorised access.

Hardware-Based Security: While less common due to compatibility and accessibility issues, hardware-based security measures like Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) offer a higher level of security.

TEEs provide a secure area within the processor to execute sensitive code, protecting it from unauthorised access. However, adoption and compatibility remain a significant hurdle.

Server-Side Licensing: This approach involves checking the license key against a server during game launch.

The game sends unique device identifiers (UDIDs) or other identifying information to the server, which verifies the license. This requires a server infrastructure and introduces a point of vulnerability if the server is compromised. However, it effectively blocks unlicensed copies. Robust server-side validation should incorporate measures to prevent replay attacks.

Native Code Protection: Implementing critical parts of the licensing system in native code (C/C++) makes reverse engineering much harder, as native code is more challenging to decompile than Java bytecode.

Anti-Piracy Techniques in Gaming

The gaming industry, with its vast revenues and passionate user base, is often a prime target for pirates.

To combat this, developers employ a range of sophisticated techniques to protect their intellectual property.

Here are some of the most effective anti-piracy techniques used in the gaming world:


Watermarking is akin to leaving a unique fingerprint on each game copy. By embedding unique identifiers in every game copy, developers can trace the origin of a pirated game.

If a non-genuine copy gets leaked or distributed, the source can be identified using the watermark.

This method not only helps in tracking down the initial distributor of the pirated copy but also acts as a deterrent, as users are aware that their copy can be traced back to them.

Server-Side Execution

Imagine a game as a two-part puzzle, with one part residing on the player’s device and the other on the game’s official servers.

For online games, essential game logic is executed on the server side.

This means that players must connect to the official game servers to access the full gameplay experience.

If someone tries to pirate the game, they’ll only have half the puzzle, rendering the game unbeatable or incomplete.

This technique is especially effective for multiplayer games where interactions between players are crucial.

Code Obfuscation Techniques

Code obfuscation is a fundamental first line of defense. It is like turning a readable book into a cryptic code.

It involves transforming the game’s source code into a form that’s difficult to comprehend and reverse-engineer. While it doesn’t prevent determined crackers, it significantly increases the time and effort required to comprehend the game’s logic and mechanisms, deterring casual pirates.

It is an important part of the game anti-piracy arsenal, ensuring that the heart of the game remains shielded from prying eyes.

These methods detect attempts to debug or modify the game’s code, making it harder for crackers to analyse and manipulate the game’s behavior.

Debugging Detection: The game can check for the presence of debuggers attached to the process. If a debugger is detected, the game can take action, such as exiting, displaying a warning message, or disabling certain features.

Root/Jailbreak Detection: Detecting rooted or jailbroken devices is crucial, as these environments provide easier access to the system and allow pirates to bypass many security measures. The game can check for common root/jailbreak indicators and respond accordingly.

Code Integrity Checks: The game can periodically check the integrity of its own code to detect tampering. If modifications are detected, the game can take appropriate action. This often involves calculating a checksum of critical parts of the code and comparing it to the expected value.

Enhancing Security Through Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

Secure coding practices should be integrated throughout the SDLC. This includes:

Secure Design: Designing the game with security in mind from the outset, minimising vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors.

Code Reviews: Regular code reviews by experienced developers can help identify potential security flaws.

Security Testing: Performing thorough security testing, including penetration testing and vulnerability assessments, before release.

Unique Content and Updates

Exclusive Features

Offer additional features in legitimate copies, such as exclusive levels or in-game bonuses. Regular content updates, especially those available only on official online platforms, can deter pirates.

Enhanced Security Features

Implement enhanced security features that detect and counteract piracy attempts.

This not only protects the application from piracy but also ensures a safe environment for your current users.

Collaboration and Continuous Efforts

Platform Collaboration

Work closely with platforms like the Google Play Store to benefit from their anti-piracy features. They often have measures to detect and counteract the implications of app piracy.

Cutting-Edge Solutions

Invest in cutting-edge solutions that focus on the fight against piracy. As piracy methods evolve, so should your strategies.

Stay updated with the latest in code protection practices and technologies.

Community and User Engagement and Report Mechanism

Prioritise user engagement. The feedback from current users can be invaluable in identifying potential threats and enhancing the game’s security. Moreover, a seamless user interface design can provide a genuine experience, further promoting legitimate use.

Also encourage players to report instances of piracy can help identify and address distribution channels. This can be facilitated through dedicated reporting mechanisms on the game’s website or within the game itself.

What’s Next?

Protecting Android games from piracy requires a multifaceted, layered approach. Combining code obfuscation, robust licensing, anti-debugging measures, and proactive monitoring significantly reduces the risk of unauthorised distribution, although no single solution offers complete protection.

Regular updates are critical, addressing evolving piracy techniques and incorporating new security features. Legal safeguards, such as copyright protection, further strengthen this defense.

This comprehensive strategy, incorporating both technical and legal elements, not only safeguards intellectual property but also minimises the incentive for digital piracy by focusing on a positive user experience. The fight against piracy is ongoing, demanding constant adaptation and vigilance.

For developers seeking a powerful ally in this fight, Bytescare provides cutting-edge anti-piracy solutions. Its proactive scanning identifies unauthorised distributions, ensuring developers’ creations remain secure. Interested in fortifying your game? Book a demo to experience Bytescare’s digital piracy monitoring service.

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Is piracy protection expensive?

It can vary. Some solutions are free, while others might cost. It’s essential to find a balance between cost and effectiveness.

Can I protect my game without third-party solutions?

Yes, but it might require more effort and expertise. Third-party solutions often provide a more comprehensive protection package.

Do regular updates really deter pirates?

Absolutely! Regular updates mean pirates have to keep cracking the game, which can be time-consuming and tedious.

What if my game still gets pirated despite protection?

It’s a possibility. However, with protection, the rate of piracy can be significantly reduced. Plus, you can always take legal actions against unauthorised distributions.

Are there any legal ways to combat game piracy?

Yes, you can issue takedown notices, pursue legal actions, or even collaborate with platforms to remove pirated versions.

Is it possible to completely eliminate piracy?

No, it is nearly impossible to completely eliminate piracy. However, by using a combination of anti-piracy measures and engaging content, you can reduce its impact.

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