In the age of digital streaming, piracy remains one of the most significant challenges for content providers.

Netflix, as one of the world’s leading streaming services, has been at the forefront of this battle, implementing a range of strategies to protect its vast library of movies and series.

This article on “How does Netflix protect its movies from piracy” gives you a piece of useful knowledge.

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What is Video DRM?

Video DRM (Digital Rights Management) refers to a set of access control technologies used to protect copyrighted video content from unauthorised distribution and playback.

The primary purpose of Video DRM is to prevent piracy and ensure that only authorised users can view or interact with the content.

What is the Impact of Non-Encrypted Content?

When content is non-encrypted, it is stored and transmitted in a format that can be easily accessed, read, and understood without the need for any special keys or algorithms.

Here’s what can happen when content remains non-encrypted:

  1. Vulnerability to Unauthorised Access: Without encryption, data can be accessed by anyone who comes across it. This makes sensitive information particularly vulnerable to theft or unauthorised viewing.
  2. Easier Data Breaches: In the event of a cyber-attack, non-encrypted data can be easily extracted and exploited by hackers.
  3. Lack of Privacy: Personal and confidential information can be exposed, leading to potential privacy violations.
  4. Data Manipulation: Not only can unencrypted data be accessed, but it can also be altered. This can lead to misinformation, data corruption, or malicious attacks.
  5. Regulatory and Compliance Issues: Many industries have regulations that mandate the encryption of certain types of data. Not encrypting can lead to legal penalties and loss of trust among clients or customers.
  6. Loss of Intellectual Property: For businesses, non-encrypted content can mean that proprietary information or intellectual property is at risk of being copied or stolen.
  7. Reputational Damage: If a company’s non-encrypted data is breached, it can lead to significant reputational damage, affecting customer trust and potentially leading to financial losses.
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What is the Impact of DRM Encryption on Content?

When content is DRM encrypted, it undergoes a process that ensures only authorised users can access and view the content.

By adding DRM encryption to videos, an encryption layer is established based on the protocols of Google Widevine DRM and Apple Fairplay DRM.

These protocols are proprietary and not open source.

Given that Google and Apple have significant control over video playback across a vast array of devices through their browsers, operating systems, and hardware, they can offer a secure, “blackboxed” mechanism for key exchange.

This mechanism is technically referred to as a Content Decryption Module (CDM).

Premium Content Security Measures Used by Netflix 

Netflix, a leading content service provider in the streaming realm, doesn’t rely solely on DRM to safeguard its original content.

Recognising the value of premium content security, Netflix employs a comprehensive approach to ensure its vast library of movies and series remains exclusive to its subscribers.

Here’s a deeper look into some of these additional security measures:

Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Netflix’s DRM system employs a multifaceted approach to combat content piracy.

By integrating encryption techniques, licensing agreements, a dynamic key exchange mechanism, and stringent access controls, Netflix ensures its content remains secure and accessible only to authorised users.

This robust framework effectively deters unauthorised distribution and viewing.

Viewer-Based (Dynamic) Watermarking

This involves embedding invisible, unique watermarks into the content files. T

ailored to each viewer, these watermarks allow Netflix and content copyright holders to trace unauthorised distribution back to the original viewer.

This acts as a deterrent, as users are aware that content from streaming sites, when pirated, can be linked back to their account.

Preventing Playback on Rooted Devices

Rooting (for Android) or jailbreaking (for iOS) is a process that gives users privileged control over the device’s operating system.

While breaking Apple’s Fairplay DRM on a jailbroken device is extremely challenging, some hackers attempt to crack Widevine DRM on rooted Android devices.

To counter this, Netflix uses Google’s SafetyNet.

This mechanism detects rooted devices and disables playback, ensuring content owners’ rights are upheld.


Due to licensing agreements and regional content rights, not all content is available globally.

Netflix uses geo-restriction to ensure that specific movies or series are only accessible in designated regions or countries.

This is crucial for the content industry, as a show available in the US might not be accessible to viewers in Asia, and vice versa.

Limiting Playback Across Multiple Devices

Netflix offers various subscription plans, each allowing playback of single content on a specific number of devices simultaneously.

For instance, a basic plan might allow streaming on one device, while a premium plan permits streaming on multiple devices. This ensures that account sharing is limited, respecting the wishes of content creators and copyright owners.

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Streaming Wars: The Decline of Video Piracy and the Rise of Subscription Services

Illegal streaming sites have surpassed torrents as the primary means of video piracy, with Muso recording 77.7 billion visits in 2016.

However, the tide is turning. Video piracy is on the decline, thanks in part to subscription platforms like Netflix.

They offer vast content choices and even produce exclusive shows, such as “Orange Is the New Black.”

While a minority will always opt for pirated content to avoid fees, most consumers prioritise convenience.

Subscription services are affordable, user-friendly, and secure. In contrast, online piracy sites often have poor-quality videos, intrusive ads, and malware risks.

For many, including myself, turning to such sites is a last resort when legal platforms don’t offer the desired content.

However, a challenge persists. Copyright holders are often hesitant to release new, sought-after content to platforms like Netflix, preferring to maximise theater profits or sell older content on a pay-per-view basis to companies like Apple and Amazon.

Consequently, Netflix positions itself more as a content channel than a comprehensive library. Still, its growth remains undeniable.

Unraveling Netflix’s DRM: How Screen Recording and Captures Are Thwarted

Netflix employs a sophisticated DRM (Digital Rights Management) system to prevent unauthorised screen recording or capturing of its content.

This is achieved using EME, or Encrypted Media Extensions, a specification developed by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

  1. Encrypted Media Extensions (EME): EME establishes a secure communication channel that allows web browsers to interact with the DRM’s “blackboxed” mechanism, known as the Content Decryption Module (CDM).
  2. Content Decryption Module (CDM): The CDM software is responsible for the actual decryption of the content. It ensures that only authorised users can view the content and enforces any restrictions, such as preventing screen recording.
  3. Communication with Video Player: When you try to screen capture content on platforms like the Safari browser, Android app, or iOS app, the web browser communicates with the video player that uses EME. This player then invokes the DRM system.
  4. Overriding Screenshot Commands: If a user attempts to take a screenshot or record the screen, the command is intercepted by the DRM system. Instead of capturing the actual content, the DRM ensures that a black screen is captured, rendering the screenshot or recording useless.
  5. Leveraging HTML5 Players: Modern web players, especially those based on HTML5, can seamlessly integrate with EME. This integration allows them to tap into the underlying DRM encryption, ensuring content remains protected even during playback.

By leveraging the capabilities of EME and the underlying DRM system, they ensure that their content remains secure and that unauthorised recordings or captures are thwarted.

Suggested Reading: Anti-Piracy Protection for Music Artists and Film Studios


Netflix, a leading online content service, has revolutionised content streaming with its commitment to safeguarding high-value movie content from piracy.

By leveraging advanced Digital Content Protection mechanisms, Netflix ensures that its DRM-enabled content remains exclusive to legitimate content users.

The platform’s dedication to combat piracy, especially illegal content leakage, is evident in its robust encryption and access controls.

As online platforms proliferate, Netflix’s subscription model sets a gold standard in protecting content for playback and maintaining the trust of its vast user base.

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Why is illegal content leakage a concern for online content services?

Illegal leakage undermines the revenue of content creators and online platforms, and can also compromise the quality and security of the content.

What is DRM-enabled content?

It refers to content that has been encrypted and can only be accessed by authorised users through specific platforms.

How does Netflix encryption prevent screenshots?

Netflix employs digital rights management (DRM) technology to encrypt its content. When attempting to take a screenshot, the DRM software intervenes, preventing the screenshot from being captured or shared.

How Netflix’s DRM function to safeguard its content from piracy?

Netflix’s DRM system integrates encryption, licensing, a dynamic key exchange mechanism, and stringent access controls to safeguard its content from unauthorised access and distribution.

Can the Netflix watermark be seen on their content?

No, Netflix content doesn’t display a visible watermark. However, they may use dynamic invisible watermarking that embeds user-specific information to trace unauthorised sharing.

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