Do you know how to handle Shopify copyright infringement?

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, Shopify has emerged as a powerful platform for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to establish and expand their online presence.

With its user-friendly interface, customisable design options, and comprehensive tools, it’s no wonder that more and more people are jumping on board the  train.

However, as the popularity of this platform soars, it also brings to light an important concern— infringement.

Copyright infringement is a legal issue that every online business owner should be aware of, as it can lead to costly lawsuits, damaged reputation, and the loss of valuable time and resources.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the intricacies of copyright  law as it pertains to Shopify, providing you with the essential knowledge and actionable steps to help you avoid any potential pitfalls.

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What is Copyright Infringement on Shopify?

Copyright infringement on Shopify refers to the unauthorised use, reproduction, distribution, or display of copyrighted material on a store, without obtaining the necessary permission from the  owner.

This can include, but is not limited to, the use of copyrighted images, text, music, videos, software, or other intellectual property for your store’s products, marketing materials, or website design.

Copyright infringement can occur in various ways, such as:

Selling Counterfeit Products

Offering and selling products that mimic or copy the design, logo, or branding of a copyrighted or trademarked item without authorisation.

Using copyrighted images or artwork

Displaying copyrighted photographs, illustrations, or designs on your store or in promotional materials without obtaining the proper licenses or permissions.

Copying Product Descriptions

Replicating or closely paraphrasing the text from a copyrighted source for your own product descriptions.

Sharing Copyrighted Content

Distributing or hosting copyrighted music, movies, or software on your store without the owner’s consent.

Utilising Copyrighted Website Elements

Incorporating copyrighted design elements, such as graphics, fonts, or layouts, into your store’s theme without obtaining the necessary permissions.

Exclusive Rights of Copyright Holder

Exclusive rights are a set of legal entitlements granted to copyright holders, allowing them to control the use and distribution of their original works.

These rights are designed to protect the interests of creators and encourage innovation and creativity.

The following are the primary exclusive rights granted to  holders:

The copyright holder has the exclusive right to reproduce or create copies of their work.


This can include duplicating a literary, musical, or artistic work in any tangible form, such as photocopying, printing, or digitally copying the work.

Derivative Works

The copyright owner has the exclusive right to create derivative works based on their original work.

A derivative work is a new creation that incorporates, adapts, or transforms the original work in some way, such as translations, adaptations, or modifications.


The copyright holder has the exclusive right to distribute their work by sale, rental, lease, or lending.

This allows the copyright owner to control the circulation and availability of their work in the marketplace.

Public Performance

The copyright owner has the exclusive right to publicly perform their work.

This includes performing, reciting, or playing a literary, musical, or dramatic work in a public setting, as well as broadcasting or streaming the work online.

Public Display

The copyright holder has the exclusive right to publicly display their work.

This includes exhibiting a literary, musical, or artistic work in a physical or digital space accessible to the public, such as a gallery, website, or social media platform.

Digital Transmission

For sound recordings, the owner has the exclusive right to perform the work publicly by means of digital audio transmission, such as streaming a song or podcast online.

It’s important to note that these exclusive rights are subject to certain limitations and exceptions, such as fair use, which allows for the limited use of copyrighted material without the copyright holder’s permission under specific circumstances.

Infringement of these exclusive rights can lead to legal action and potential monetary damages.

As a result, it’s essential for individuals and businesses to respect the exclusive rights of holders and seek proper permissions or licenses when using copyrighted material.

Further Reading: Copyright Issues in Digital Library

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What is Shopify Intellectual Property Infringement?

Shopify intellectual property (IP) infringement refers to the unauthorised use or exploitation of someone else’s intellectual property rights on the Shopify platform.

Intellectual property rights include copyrights, trademarks, and patents, which protect the rights of creators, inventors, and businesses over their original works, designs, and inventions. When these rights are violated on a Shopify store, it is considered IP infringement.

Here are some examples of IP infringement on Shopify:

Copyright Infringement: As previously discussed, this occurs when copyrighted material, such as text, images, music, videos, or software, is used without the proper authorisation from the owner.

Trademark Infringement: This takes place when a store owner uses a trademark (a distinctive sign, logo, or name) that is identical or confusingly similar to an existing registered trademark, without permission.

This can lead to confusion among customers about the source or affiliation of the products or services offered.

Patent Infringement: This happens when a store owner produces, sells, or imports a product that infringes on an existing patent.

A patent is a form of IP protection that grants its owner the exclusive right to make, use, sell, or import an invention for a specified period.

Shopify takes IP infringement seriously and has a policy in place to handle complaints from rights holders.

If a store is found to be infringing on someone else’s intellectual property rights, Shopify may take action, including disabling the store or removing the infringing content.

To avoid IP infringement on Shopify, store owners should:

  • Conduct thorough research to ensure that they are not inadvertently infringing on any existing copyrights, trademarks, or patents.
  • Obtain proper licenses or permissions when using copyrighted material or trademarked assets.
  • Be cautious about sourcing products from third parties, and verify the authenticity and legality of the products being sold.

By adhering to these guidelines and respecting the IP rights of others, Shopify store owners can maintain the integrity of their online businesses and avoid legal issues related to IP infringement.

Shopify Copyright Infringement Policy

Shopify’s Copyright Infringement Policy is designed to protect the intellectual property rights of individuals and businesses, ensuring that their copyrighted material is not misused or exploited on the Shopify platform.

This policy is in line with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), a US law that addresses copyright infringement in the digital space.

Here are some key points of Shopify’s  Infringement Policy:

Reporting copyright infringement

Shopify encourages rights holders who believe that their copyrighted material is being used without permission to report the alleged infringement.

They can do this by submitting a DMCA notice to store’s designated agent, providing the necessary information as outlined in Shopify’s DMCA guidelines.


If a store owner believes that their content has been wrongly removed due to a DMCA notice, they can submit a counter-notice to Shopify.

The counter-notice must include specific information, such as the store owner’s contact details, a statement of good faith belief that the content was removed in error, and a statement of consent to the jurisdiction of the relevant courts.

Repeat infringers

Shopify has a policy in place to address repeat infringers. If a user is found to be a repeat infringer, which is determined at the store’s sole discretion, their account may be terminated, and they may be prohibited from using store’s services in the future.

Content removal and account suspension

Upon receiving a valid DMCA notice, this store may remove or disable access to the infringing content.

In certain cases, this store may also suspend or terminate the account of the store owner found to be in violation of copyright law.

To ensure compliance with Shopify’s Copyright Infringement Policy, store owners should:

  • Familiarise themselves with laws and intellectual property rights.
  • Use only legally obtained and licensed material in their stores and marketing materials.
  • Respond promptly to any DMCA notices or copyright-related communications from Shopify.
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How to Report Copyright Infringement in Shopify?

To report copyright infringement on Shopify, you need to submit a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice to Shopify’s designated copyright agent. By doing so, you’re informing that a store on its platform is using your copyrighted material without permission.

  1. Gather required information: Before submitting a DMCA notice, ensure that you have the following information ready:
    • A description of the allegedly infringing work under copyright.
    • A clear identification of the material you claim is infringing, including a URL or other specific information that allows this store to locate the material on the store.
    • Your contact information and address
    • A declaration that you genuinely believe the use of the content in the manner that is being complained of is prohibited by the owner, its agent, or the law.
    • A declaration that the details in your notice are true and that you are the  owner or have the necessary authority to act on their behalf. This declaration must be made under penalty of perjury.
    • Your physical or electronic signature.
  2. Submit the DMCA notice: You can send your completed DMCA notice to Shopify’s designated copyright agent through one of the following methods:
    • Email:
    • Mail: Shopify’s Copyright Agent, c/o Shopify Inc., 151 O’Connor Street, Ground Floor, Ottawa, ON K2P 2L8, Canada
  3. Await a response: Shopify will review your DMCA notice, and if they determine it to be valid, they may take appropriate action, which may include removing or disabling access to the infringing content.
  4. This store will also notify the store owner about the DMCA notice, allowing them an opportunity to submit a counter-notice if they believe the content was removed in error.

Please note that submitting a false DMCA notice or misrepresenting material as infringing can lead to legal consequences.

Therefore, it is essential to be sure of the infringement and your ownership of the copyrighted material before submitting a DMCA notice.

If you are uncertain about any aspect of the process, it is advisable to consult with an attorney specialising in intellectual property law.

Statutory Damages in Shopify Copyright Infringement

Statutory damages are monetary awards that a court may grant to a holder in the event of copyright infringement.

If a store owner is found to have used copyrighted material without proper authorization, they may be liable for statutory damages.

Under the U.S. Copyright Act, statutory damages can range from $750 to $30,000 per work infringed, depending on the circumstances and the court’s discretion.

However, if the owner can prove that the infringement was willful, the court has the option to increase the statutory damages up to $150,000 per work.

Conversely, if the infringer can demonstrate that they were not aware of the infringement and had no reason to believe they were infringing, the court may reduce the statutory damages to as low as $200 per work.

It’s important to note that statutory damages are only available if the holder has registered their work with the U.S. Copyright Office before the infringement occurred or within three months of the work’s publication.

If the work is not registered in time, the copyright holder may still be entitled to actual damages, which represent the financial losses suffered due to the infringement, and any additional profits the infringer made from the unauthorised use of the copyrighted material.

To avoid the risk of statutory damages and other legal consequences associated with copyright infringement on Shopify, store owners should:

  • Familiarise themselves with laws and intellectual property rights.
  • Seek proper permissions or licenses when using copyrighted material.
  • Use only legally obtained and licensed content in their stores and marketing materials.

By adhering to these guidelines, store owners can protect their businesses from potential copyright infringement claims and the resulting financial consequences.

Further Reading: History of Software Piracy

Copyright Infringement Notices on Shopify

Who can send Copyright Infringement Notices to Shopify?

Copyright infringement notices can be sent by anyone who owns the rights to the content that has been infringed. This can include individual content creators, businesses, or even large media companies.

How do Copyright Infringement Notices Work?

When an infringement notice is received, Shopify will notify the seller and give them a deadline to remove the infringing content. If the seller fails to comply, Shopify may remove the content on their behalf. If the seller believes that the notice was sent in error, they can file a counter-notice with Shopify.


In conclusion,  infringement notices on Shopify are a serious matter that should not be taken lightly.

As a seller on the platform, it is essential to understand the various types of infringement notices and how to handle them appropriately.

By following the tips outlined in this article, sellers can protect their intellectual property, avoid legal repercussions, and continue to operate successfully on the Shopify platform.

As always, it is crucial to be aware of  laws and take the necessary steps to ensure that all content is original and does not infringe on the rights of others.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a copyright infringement notice?

A copyright infringement notice is a legal document that informs an individual or business that their content has been copied without permission.

 What happens if I receive a copyright infringement notice on Shopify?

If you receive an infringement notice on Shopify, you must remove the infringing content or risk having your store taken down.

Can I file a counter-notice if I believe the copyright infringement notice was sent in error?

Yes, if you believe the infringement notice was sent in error, you can file a counter-notice with Shopify.

How long does it take to resolve a copyright infringement notice on Shopify? 

The time it takes to resolve an infringement notice on Shopify depends on the complexity of the case, but it can take several weeks to months.

Can Shopify terminate my account for copyright infringement?

Yes, Shopify can terminate your account if you are found to be repeatedly infringing on copyright laws.

 What are the penalties for copyright infringement on Shopify?

The penalties for infringement on Shopify can range from having your store taken down to facing legal action and fines.

 How can I avoid copyright infringement on Shopify?

To avoid copyright infringement on Shopify, it is essential to only use original content or obtain permission from the owner before using their material.

Can I still sell the product if I receive a copyright infringement notice?

No, you must remove the infringing content or risk having your store taken down.

How does Shopify support content creators in regards to copyright infringement?

Shopify provides tools for content creators to file DMCA takedown notices against other sellers who are infringing on their copyrighted material.

Can I appeal a decision made by Shopify regarding a copyright infringement notice?

Yes, you can appeal a decision made by Shopify regarding a copyright infringement notice by contacting their legal team and providing additional evidence or information.

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