In today’s digital landscape, the prevalence of software piracy poses a significant threat not only to the software industry but also to businesses from security risks.

This article delves into the crucial topic of how to report software piracy, empowering individuals and organisations to take action against the illicit copying of software.

Whether you’re a concerned user or a vigilant copyright owner, understanding the reporting process through an online form or other channels is essential to combating software piracy effectively.

Let’s explore the steps and strategies to submit a software piracy report and protect the integrity of software, including educational software, in our digital world.

What is Software Piracy?

Software piracy is the unauthorised copying, distribution, or use of copyrighted software programs.

It involves individuals or organisations using unlicensed software without purchasing the necessary licenses. This illegal practice includes downloading software from unauthorised sources, sharing license codes among multiple users, or producing counterfeit copies.

Pirating software not only breaches intellectual property laws but also poses significant risk potential to the software industry, causing substantial financial losses to software publishers.

It undermines the efforts and investments of developers and exposes businesses to security risks, as unlicensed copies often lack official support and updates.

Software license piracy is akin to stealing property from theft, harming both the creators and legitimate users of the software.

What are the Risks Associated With Using Unauthorised Software?

Using unauthorized software, often referred to as pirated or unlicensed software, carries several significant risks:

  • Legal Consequences: Engaging in the use of illegal software, such as pirated or unlicensed versions, is a violation of copyright law. This can result in legal actions against both individual users and organizations, potentially leading to substantial fines and, in severe cases, imprisonment.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Unauthorized software, lacking access to critical security updates and patches provided by legitimate commercial software, exposes users to heightened security risks. Malware, viruses, and cyber-attacks can target these vulnerable systems, potentially resulting in data theft, loss, or corruption.
  • No Technical Support: Pirated software typically does not offer customer support or technical assistance. This lack of assistance can pose significant challenges for individual users who encounter issues while using unlicensed software, especially when dealing with complex software programs.
  • Poor Performance: Unauthorized software may not perform as efficiently as legitimate versions. It can exhibit issues such as frequent crashes, bugs, and incompatibility with other software or operating systems, leading to suboptimal user experiences.
  • Reputational Harm: The use of illegal software can tarnish the reputation of individuals and organizations. It reflects negatively on ethical standards and can result in reputational harm, negative publicity, and financial loss.
  • Risk of Malware: Cheap or pirated software often comes bundled with malware, which can operate stealthily to steal sensitive information, compromise system integrity, or engage in other malicious activities, all without the user’s awareness.
  • Compromised Data Integrity: Data processed or stored using unauthorized software may lack data integrity. This raises concerns about data reliability, potential data manipulation, and unauthorized access, ultimately leading to compromised data integrity.
  • Financial Losses: Businesses found using pirated software can face significant financial repercussions, including substantial penalties, legal expenses, and the costs associated with acquiring legitimate software licenses retroactively. Such violations not only impact compliance with software license agreements but also jeopardise financial stability.
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How to Report Software Piracy?

Reporting software piracy is crucial in protecting the intellectual property of software developers and ensuring fair competition within the industry. Here are some ways you can report software piracy:

Report Directly to the Software Developer

Software developers often provide specific channels for reporting piracy, either on their websites or within their software. Look for sections labeled “Report Piracy” or “Copyright Infringement.”

Since software piracy is relatively easy and common, companies are vigilant.

When reporting, you’ll typically need to specify the business, individual, or website distributing the pirated software. In most cases, your personal details, like name and contact information, are not required.

If there’s no designated piracy reporting section on the developer’s website, use the standard contact page. Every website should list an administrator’s email.

Contact them with details about the suspected piracy, including the identity of the person or business and your reasons for suspecting the software is pirated. Like specialised reporting channels, your anonymity is usually maintained.

Report to Anti-Piracy Organisations

Organisations like the Business Software Alliance (BSA®) focus on creating and protecting software laws against cybercrimes.

Their website allows users to anonymously report pirated software. You only need to provide information about the entity selling or distributing the illegal software. While you can provide your email address, it’s only used for updates on the investigation, if one is conducted.

The BSA® may offer financial rewards for reporting software piracy under certain conditions. The piracy must occur in the United States or Canada, and legal action must be taken against the violator.

However, if local laws prohibit such rewards, they won’t be given. Regardless of compensation, your report aids software developers in recovering lost profits and investing in better software development.

Report to Local Authorities

In many regions, software piracy is a criminal offense. You can report it to local law enforcement or a specialised cybercrime unit.

This step is crucial in areas where software piracy is taken very seriously and can lead to significant legal consequences for the perpetrators.

Where to Report Software Piracy?

To report software piracy, you can directly contact the developer or an industry group. Here are some specific ways to report piracy for different software developers and organisations:

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For software made by Microsoft, you can use their Internet form at, email them at [email protected].


For software developed by Intuit, report suspected cases of software piracy online through their website.


If the software is made by Borland, contact them by phone at (800) 552-5888 (in the US) or 1+512-340-7081 (outside the US), or email [email protected]


If the software is made by Oracle, email a description of the case to [email protected].

General Reporting:

If the developer of the pirated software is not listed, you can report to industry groups like the Business Software Alliance, the Software and Information Industry Association, and the Federation Against Software Theft.

Legal Protection for Whistleblowers:

If you were instructed to install and/or use pirated software by your employer, you can likely report the illegal use without facing legal consequences, as the employer is generally liable. However, it’s best to verify the laws in your location.

Remember, reporting software piracy is important to protect intellectual property and support the software industry.

Further Reading: 7 Reasons why Piracy is Bad


Reporting software piracy is a vital step in safeguarding intellectual property assets and upholding intellectual property rights within the wider software market.

By taking action against unlicensed users and those who produce extra copies of software products, individuals and businesses can mitigate the risks of software piracy, which range from security vulnerabilities to software corruption.

Engaging with a designated contact person and following the reporting process not only ensures anonymity but also aids in curbing incidents of software piracy.

Beyond the legal fines for copyright infringement, businesses must emphasise the importance of adhering to software usage policies and educating users through user guides.

In combating various types of software piracy, businesses contribute to a secure, ethical, and thriving software ecosystem, reducing the risks of software corruption.


Will reporting software piracy make a difference?

Yes, reporting software piracy does make a difference. Each report serves as a crucial step in combating this issue. It’s akin to fixing a leak in a dam; every patch helps prevent a potential flood of unauthorised software usage.

What are the factors that contribute to reporting software piracy?

Several factors contribute to reporting software piracy, including a commitment to upholding intellectual property rights, ethical considerations, concerns about security risks associated with pirated software, and the desire to maintain a fair and competitive software market.

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How can software piracy be addressed?

Software piracy can be addressed through a combination of education and awareness, strict enforcement of copyright laws, reporting of pirated software, and supporting legitimate software developers. Users and organisations can play a significant role in reducing piracy by reporting incidents and using only licensed software.

Is piracy a serious crime?

Yes, piracy is considered a serious crime, as it infringes upon intellectual property rights and violates copyright laws. Depending on the jurisdiction and severity of the violation, it can result in legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

Can I report someone for piracy?

Yes, you can report someone for piracy. Many software developers and anti-piracy organisations provide channels for reporting pirated software. It’s essential to contribute to the fight against piracy by reporting such incidents and protecting the software industry’s integrity.