In the realm of artistry and literary expression, poetry stands as a timeless form of communication that touches the depths of human emotion.

As poets pour their heart and soul into crafting verses that resonate with readers, the need to protect their intellectual property becomes paramount.

Copyrighting a poem ensures that the poet’s creative endeavor is safeguarded from unauthorised use or reproduction, granting them exclusive rights over their work.

This article will give you a fruitful insight on “how to copyright my poems”.

Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith seeking to secure your poetic masterpieces or an aspiring poet venturing into uncharted literary waters, understanding the ins and outs of copyright protection can empower you to preserve the essence of your unique voice.

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What is Poem Copyright?

Poem copyright refers to the legal protection granted to the original creative work of a poem.

When a poet creates a poem, they automatically hold the copyright to that work, meaning they have exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, display, perform, and create derivative works based on the poem.

This protection is established from the moment the poem is put into a tangible form, such as writing it on paper or typing it on a computer.

Copyright gives poets the authority to control how their poems are used and prevents others from using the work without permission.

Infringement of poem copyright can result in legal consequences, and registering the poem with a copyright office further strengthens the poet’s legal standing in case of disputes.

How to Copyright My Poems?: Necessary Documents

To copyright your poem, you’ll need the following documents:

  1. Your name, address, and nationality (proof of identity).
  2. If your poem is published by someone else, you’ll need a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the publisher.
  3. If there’s a trademark related to your poem, you may need a Search Certificate from the Trademark Office.
  4. If someone’s photograph appears in your poem, you’ll need a NOC from that person.
  5. A Power of Attorney document.
  6. Two copies of your poem.
  7. Your Know Your Customer (KYC) details.
  8. The required fee (Demand Draft or Indian Postal Order, as applicable) per poem.
  9. If you’re applying on behalf of the author, you’ll need a NOC from the author.

Having these documents ready will help you protect your poem with copyright.

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Poem Copyright Registration Process Simplified

When seeking registration of copyright for your poem, follow these steps:

  1. Consult a copyright expert to understand the appropriate category for your registration.
  2. Fill out the copyright application form.
  3. An examiner from the copyright authority reviews your application.
  4. If any objections arise, the concerned parties are notified via letters.
  5. Upon successful clearance, the registration is granted, and you become the legal owner with full copyright rights.

Information needed for copyright registration:

  1. Personal Information: Name, address, and nationality of the applicant. Specify if you are the owner or representative.
  2. Nature of Work: Class, description, and title of the poem. Mention the language used.
  3. Date of Publication: If applicable, provide the possible publication date, especially for interval magazines.

By following these steps and providing the necessary information, you can protect your poem’s copyright and enjoy the rights granted to the rightful owner.

Related Article: Is it copyright infringement to recite poetry

Do I Have to Copyright Every Poem I Write?

No, you do not have to copyright every poem you write.

In most countries, including the United States, your poems are automatically protected by copyright as soon as you create them and put them into a tangible form, such as writing them down on paper or saving them on your computer.

This automatic protection grants you exclusive rights over your poems, allowing you to reproduce, distribute, display, perform, and create derivative works based on them.

While you don’t need to register each poem with a copyright office, doing so can provide additional legal benefits and evidentiary support if you ever need to enforce your rights in court.

Registering your poems can also help establish a public record of your copyright and may entitle you to statutory damages and attorney’s fees in case of copyright infringement.

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How to Copyright Poetry on Instagram?

One cannot technically “copyright” individual poems on Instagram, or any social media platform, by simply posting them.

Copyright protection is granted automatically when you create an original work, including poems, and put it into a tangible form, like writing it down.

However, if you want to establish a more concrete record of your copyright and protect your poems beyond the basic automatic protection, you can consider the following steps:

  1. Establish an Official Account: Create a dedicated Instagram account solely for your poetry. This distinct identity helps differentiate your work from others, making it easier to recognise and attribute back to you.
  2. Add Your Name to Poems: Embed your name at the bottom of your poems to serve as a visible copyright notice. This notifies others of your ownership and reinforces your claim to the creative work.
  3. Personal Signatures: Consider incorporating a personal signature below or beside your poems. This adds a unique touch and strengthens your identity as the author.
  4. Unique Fonts: Utilise distinctive fonts or font styles to give your poetry a recognisable and individualised appearance. A unique presentation makes it harder for others to replicate your work.
  5. Utilise Ads Campaigns: Running targeted ads can enhance your visibility and engagement on Instagram. A well-promoted account gains recognition, which may deter potential plagiarisers.

While implementing these strategies, remember that your poetry is automatically protected by copyright from the moment of creation.

Combining these protective measures with inherent copyright safeguards your poetic expressions, allowing you to confidently share your creativity with the Instagram community.

Penalties for Poem Infringement

If an individual is found guilty of poem infringement, they may face two options for penalties: either a fine of 1 lac and 3-year imprisonment or a fine of 2 lacs and 5-year imprisonment.

The Copyright Act, 1957, outlines these penalties under sections 66 and 67 for any infringement of poem copyrights.

Infringers are subject to these consequences as per the law to protect the rights of original creators and deter unauthorised use or reproduction of their poetic works.


Protecting your poems through copyright is a crucial step to assert your ownership as the copyright owner or claimant.

The moment you put your poems into a tangible form, automatic copyright protection safeguards your original creations.

By adding the copyright symbol and your name, you strengthen your position as the copyright holder.

Registering your poetry, whether in a single form, a collection, or an unpublished set, solidifies your intellectual property rights and provides evidence for potential legal action.

Whether you publish a book of poetry or share a single poem in public, asserting your moral rights in the context of poetry is essential to safeguard your creative work.

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How to copyright a book of poems?

To copyright a book of poems, compile all your poems into a single manuscript. You can register the entire collection as a single work with the copyright office, which is a cost-effective and efficient method.

What does “poems out of copyright” mean?

“Poems out of copyright” refers to works whose copyright protection has expired. Once a poem’s copyright term ends, it enters the public domain, allowing anyone to use or distribute it freely.

How much does it cost to get a poem copyrighted?

The cost of copyrighting a poem can vary depending on factors such as length, complexity, and any additional fees, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

Should I copyright my poetry?

While your poetry is automatically protected by copyright upon creation, registering your work provides additional legal benefits, making it worthwhile if you want stronger protection and the ability to enforce your rights more effectively.

What does the copyright symbol (©) signify?

The copyright symbol serves as a notice that the work is protected by copyright and the creator is the copyright owner.

Can I copyright a collection of poems together?

Yes, you can register a collection of poems as a single form for copyright protection.

If a single copyright claimant owns all the verses in a published poetry collection, he/she can register the entire collection on a single form with a single fee.

How can I enforce my copyright if someone uses my poem without permission?

You may take legal action against infringement, seeking remedies like damages and injunctions.

What are moral rights in the context of poetry?

Moral rights allow poets to claim authorship and prevent their poems from being altered or attributed falsely.

Should I copyright my unpublished poems?

Yes, copyright protection applies to both published and unpublished collections of poetry, safeguarding your creative work.

Which is the common license in the case of poetry?

In the context of poetry, the most common license is a publishing agreement. This agreement grants the publisher the right to reproduce, publish, and distribute your poetry.

The profits generated from the sale of your published work are then shared between you, the author, and the publisher.

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