Do you know how much does it cost to copyright software? In a world driven by technology, software development has become one of the most significant sectors.

As such, understanding the intricacies of  law and the financial implications associated with it has never been more crucial.

In this blog post, we’re going to dive into the monetary aspects of software  registration, exploring various factors that contribute to the total cost.

Whether you’re a seasoned software developer or a budding tech-enthusiast, understanding these costs can be a vital part of securing your intellectual property rights.

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Software Copyright

Copyrighting software is an important legal step for protecting your intellectual property.

In essence, software copyright is the extension of  law to machine-readable software.

It’s a legal right that grants the creator of original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution.

Software copyright covers the source code, object code, and the user interface of the software.

It protects against unauthorised copying, distribution, and alterations, helping creators prevent infringements.

Here’s a simplified overview of the process to software:

Identify the Copyrightable Material

While copyright laws differ across countries, it’s generally accepted that both source code and object code are eligible for copyright.

Prepare Your Application

You’ll need to gather necessary information about your software, including its creation date and authorship details.

It’s also necessary to prepare a copy or a substantial portion of the source code for submission.

Register with the Copyright Office

You can submit your application to your country’s office. Many countries offer online applications for this process.

Pay the Required Fee

The application will require a fee, which varies depending on the country.

Wait for Processing

The copyright office will then process your application, which may take several months.

Once the copyright is approved, you’ll have legal documentation that proves your ownership over the software.

Remember, while your work is protected under  laws the moment it’s created, registering the copyright adds an additional layer of protection by providing a public record of your rights.

Can We Protect Software Through Copyright?

Yes, software can indeed be protected through copyright.

In fact, copyright protection is a crucial legal mechanism for safeguarding software. When software is written, it’s considered a literary work, which is a category protected under  law.

Here are the elements of software that can be protected by copyright:

Source Code

This is the version of software as it is originally written by a human in plain text, usually in a programming language.

Object Code

This is the binary version of the software that a computer can execute directly.

It’s typically created by a compiler from the source code.

User Interface

The visual elements of software, such as graphics, screens, layouts, and menus, are also protected by copyright.

Once you have a copyright on your software, you have the exclusive right to reproduce the work, create derivative works, distribute copies of the work, and display or perform the work publicly.

If anyone infringes on these rights, you can take legal action against them.

Remember, while copyright automatically applies to your software as soon as it is created and saved in a fixed form, formally registering your copyright with the office of your country gives you stronger legal standing in case of disputes.

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What are Software Patents?

Software patents are a type of intellectual property right that grant the patent holder exclusive rights to the use and distribution of a particular software innovation.

While copyright protects the specific code of a software, a patent covers the idea, method, system, or process that the software implements.

Patents offer broader protection than copyrights. For instance, even if someone independently develops similar software without copying your code (which would be allowed under copyright law).

They could still be infringing on your patent if they implement the same functionality or process that your patent protects.

The specifics of what can be patented, the process for obtaining a patent, and the enforceability of software patents can vary greatly between jurisdictions.

In some countries, like the United States, software can be patented if it provides a new and non-obvious technological solution to a technical problem.

In other jurisdictions, such as the European Union, patenting software is generally more difficult and is typically only possible if the software is part of a larger patented invention, but not as a software per se.

The process of obtaining a patent is more complex and costly than registering a copyright.

It involves preparing a detailed application that describes the invention and how it is used, submitting the application to the patent office, and often going through a back-and-forth examination process with the patent office.

This process can take several years and require the help of a patent attorney or agent.

How Copyright Law Protects Software?

Software is protected under  law as a form of literary work, which means that the specific way code is written is protected, just as a novel or a poem would be.

This protection extends to both the source code (the human-readable version of the software) and the object code (the machine-readable, compiled version).

Here’s a breakdown of how copyright law works to protect software:

Automatic Protection

As soon as you write and save your software code in some tangible form, it’s protected by copyright.

You don’t need to register it or put a notice on it (although doing so can provide additional legal benefits).

Exclusive Rights

Copyright gives you the exclusive right to reproduce your software, distribute copies of it, and create derivative works based on it.

You can also publicly display your work if it’s the kind of software that gets displayed, such as a video game.

These rights allow you to control and profit from your software.

Infringement Prevention

If someone else copies your software code without your permission, you can sue them for infringement.

If you’ve registered your copyright, you may be entitled to statutory damages, which can be quite substantial.

Long Duration of Protection

In most jurisdictions, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years.

For works made for hire (like software created by an employee as part of their job), the copyright lasts for 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation, whichever is shorter.

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Software Copyright Violation Consequences

Violating software copyright, often referred to as software piracy, can lead to serious consequences.

These violations occur when software is copied, distributed, or used without the appropriate licensing or permission from the holder.

The specifics can vary by jurisdiction, but the potential consequences can include:

Legal Penalties

In many countries, infringement is a criminal offense, which can result in substantial fines and even imprisonment.

Civil Liability

Copyright holders can sue for damages caused by the infringement.

This could include lost sales, any profits the infringer made, and sometimes additional statutory damages.

In some jurisdictions, such as the U.S., statutory damages can reach up to $150,000 per work infringed for willful infringement.


A court may issue an injunction to stop the infringing activity and prevent further violations.

Confiscation and Destruction of Infringing Copies

In some cases, infringing copies of the software and any equipment used in the infringement may be seized and destroyed.

Damage to Reputation

For businesses, being caught for software piracy can cause significant harm to their reputation, potentially leading to loss of customers and business partners.

Audit Costs

If a business is suspected of software piracy, they may be subject to a software audit to check for unlicensed software, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Preventing software  violations often comes down to education about laws, implementing robust software management practices, and promoting ethical behavior in digital spaces.

Individuals and businesses are encouraged to use legal software, keep track of licensing agreements, and regularly review software use policies.

How Much does It Cost to Copyright Software

Copyrighting software involves costs that can vary depending on several factors, such as the country where you’re filing the copyright.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of costs for two countries: the United States and India.

United States

As of the last update in September 2021, the cost to register a copyright online through the U.S. Copyright Office’s electronic Office (eCO) system is $65 for a standard application.

However, these fees are for the application process only and do not include other potential costs.

If you hire an attorney to assist with the application, this will increase the total cost based on their rates.

Additional services, such as software redaction (if you wish to keep parts of your source code confidential), can also add to the cost.


In India, the cost of registration varies depending on the nature of the work.

As of the last update, the government fee for registering computer software or a database is 5,040 INR (around $68 USD).

This includes the cost of the application and the issuance of the certificate.

However, similar to the U.S., this fee is for the application process alone.

If you choose to hire a legal professional to assist with your application, you would need to pay their fees as well, which will increase the total cost.


In conclusion, copyrighting software involves costs that fluctuate depending on the jurisdiction and professional assistance.

Although copyright is automatic upon creation, registration provides enhanced legal protection.

As the costs can vary and  laws are complex, professional advice is recommended for a thorough understanding.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of copyrighting software?

The cost of copyrighting software can vary depending on several factors including the jurisdiction where you’re filing and whether you’re hiring a legal professional.

As of 2021, the standard application fee for the U.S. Office was $65. In India, the government fee was around 5,040 INR.

Is registering copyright for software important?

While copyright protection is automatic upon the creation of your software, registering the copyright can provide additional legal benefits.

The benefits can be ability to sue for  infringement and possibly recover statutory damages and attorney fees.

What is the procedure to register software?

The process varies by country. In the U.S., you can file an application with the U.S. Copyright Office, either online or by mail.

In India, you can apply to the Office under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Does the cost of copyrighting software include legal fees?

No, the standard application fees do not include any legal fees.
If you hire an attorney to assist you with the application process, you will need to pay their fees separately.

What other costs can be involved in copyrighting software?

Other potential costs include services such as software redaction (if you want to keep parts of your source code confidential), as well as potential costs associated with enforcing your copyright and defending against infringement claims.

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